1. 3-4 players per grid.
2. Area as shown 15x18
1. CB plays the ball to RM.
2. RM takes 1st touch forward,dribbles to flag,performs turn and passes ball to CB
3. CB shows behind the ball and receives pass from RM
4. CB takes 1st touch towards LM.
5. Continue pattern.
*** When ball is played to LM. RM will check into the middle (viceversa)
Coaching Points:
- Accuracy & Pace of pass
- Pass to the far foot to improve speed of play
- Create Depth (Behind the ball at an angle - Sideways on)
- Create Witdh ( Feet on line - Sideways on)
- Check over shoulder before receiving to create habit of Scanning the field.
1. Points for Switching play

1. 4 players per grid.
2. Area as shown 15x18
1. Wide player passes the ball to CB
2. CB checks back to provide Depth. CM steps up in middle box to place light pressure
3 CB takes 1st touch and passes ball to opposite Wide player.
4. CB Places light pressure on CM. CM checks in the middle to provide support.
5. Wide player passes the ball to CM.
6. CM passes the ball to opposite wide player.
*** Switch passing rotation after 4 rounds
- Accuracy & Pace of pass
- Pass to the far foot to improve speed of play
- Create Depth (Behind the ball at an angle - Sideways on)
- Create Witdh ( Feet on line - Sideways on)
- Check over shoulder before receiving to create habit of Scanning the field.
1. Points for Switching play

1. 5v5
2. Area as shown: 10 yds- safe zone / 30x 25 field
1. Teams play 5v5
2. Safe zone is for CB to provide depth in safe zone (no defender can go inside this zone)
3. Shots can be taken from anywhere in the field.
Coaching Points:
- Pass to the far foot to improve speed of play
- Create Depth (Behind the ball at an angle - Sideways on)
- Create Witdh ( Feet on line - Sideways on)
- Check over shoulder before receiving to create habit of Scanning the field. Where is pressure?
- 1 Point for goal
- 3 points for goal by switching point of attack.