1. 20x30 field set up as shown
2. Split players into two teams, attackers and defenders
3. Multiple Balls
1. The first player in line dribbles towards the yellow gate, upon reaching the yellow gate, the player performs "Insde/Outside", then dribbles to the adjacent blue gate. Players should be using their right foot.
2. The next player in line can begin dribbling once the player in front of them has completed their move.
3. Players will work for 2 mintues then switch to the red gate and begin using their left foot.
Coaching Points:
1. Dribble the ball with the outside of the foot
2. Touch ball with the inside of the foot towards opposite foot
3. Without putting the foot down, touch ball with same foot using the outside of the foot
4. Hit ball at an angle past defender and excelerate away with the ball
Inside Scissors
1. Dribble the ball with the outside of the foot
2. Without putting the foot down, move it around the front of the ball planting to the side
3. Use the inside of the same foot to hit the ball at an angle past defender and excelerate away with the ball
1. Inside Scissor

1. 20x30 field set up as shown
2. Split players into two teams, attackers and defenders
3. Multiple balls
1. The defending player passes the ball into the attacking player.
2. The attacking player dribbles towards one of the two gates, trying to beat the defender. Player must dribble through the gate to gain point.
3. The defending player tries to stop the attacking player by winning the ball or kicking the ball out of bounds.
4. Attacking players get one point for the blue goal, two points for the red goal.
5. Attackers get two attemps in each grid then switch with defending team.
6. Activity is complete when each team has completed their turns, winner is the team with the most points.
Coaching Points:
1. Dribble the ball with the outside of the foot
2. Touch ball with the inside of the foot towards opposite foot
3. Without putting the foot down, touch ball with same foot using the outside of the foot
4. Hit ball at an angle past defender and excelerate away with the ball
Inside Scissors
1. Dribble the ball with the outside of the foot
2. Without putting the foot down, move it around the front of the ball planting to the side
3. Use the inside of the same foot to hit the ball at an angle past defender and excelerate away with the ball
1. Add pug goals for players to shoot on
2. Add gate/goal for defenders to counter on

Coaching Points:

1. 30x30 field set up as shown
2. Divide players into two teams
3. Multiple Balls
1. Teams can score on any goal. Team that scored the goal gets to start with it.
2. Once a goal has been scored on a goal, the team that scored on that particular goal cannot score on it again until they have scored on another goal. IE - cannot score on the same goal twice in a row
3. All balls that go out of play are played in as a throw in.
4. Play for allotted time
Coaching Points:
1. Counter quickly on transition before opposition can organize
2. If counter is not on maintain possession
3. Maintain width and depth when attacking
4. 2nd attacker to offer support
5. 3rd attacker to play away from the ball or make attacking run in behind
6. Play at speed
1. Allow teams to score on any goal