VSSC Falcons 5/12

VSSC Falcons 5/12
技术训练-传接球 U8
Warm Up

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Players divided into pairs

1 ball per pair, standing opposite each other

1 ball on top of a cone between each pasi as shown


Players compete against their partner to see how many times they can pass their ball and knock off the ball on the cone

Alternate attempts

If successful, player gets a point and resets ball as partner prepares

Rotate opponents

Coaching Points:

Proper passing technique

-ankle locked

-toe up

-contact with center of the ball

-eye on the ball during contact

Accuracy and weight



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1. 40 x 40 yard area setup as shown

2. 12 players (6 A ttackers,6 Targets)

3. 6 Balls

4. 12 + cones (These are placed randomly around the area to make minigates to pass the ballthrough)


1. Players are paired together one attacker one target player

2. Players move around the area in their pairs

3. Once the pair reaches a gate,the attacker must pass to their target player through the gate

4. After the ball has been received through the gate, the pair switches roles and find another gate to play through

5. Players keep count of the gates the ball is passed through

Coaching Points:

1. Head up, observe your target

2. Weight and accuracy of pass

3. Heel down, toe up, inside push pass

4. Make contact with the middle of the ball


Players have to get through two gates for one point

Switch Partner after pass through a gate

Endzone Game

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Small sided game

2 endzones either end, each with one neutral player inside


Players look to maintain possession inside the area

Goal is to pass into one of the neutrals and collect the return pass, then turn and look to repeat at the other endzone

1 point each time a team combines with a neutral

Coaching Points:

Head up to see best option for scoring

Prper passing technique into neutral

Movement off the ball to be option once neutral has the ball



Must be three man combo

Free play with neutrals beside each goal

Conditioned Game

transition image


Small sided scrimmage

Teams split evenly in each half if possible

If uneven numbers, have more players in defense


Players can not cross the middle line

Must pass from defensive half to offensive half

Coaching Points:

Proper passing technique

Accuracy and weight

Find space to receive pass



Free Play - Must complete 1 pass before scoring

Reg - middle line replaced with middle zone - forces pass with no crowding