Learning Objectives
Warm Up
Individual ball work, dribbling, turning, combining, keep ups.
Dynamic stretching
Following coaches commands

Rondo 4v1
Set up: 10x10 / 8x8 Square.
1 Ball
5 Players (1 Defender in the middle)
Players on the line, assigned a number or role represntative of position (i.e. No. 5 / CB)
Player Objectives:
Defender focus:
* Recognising player body shape to where the ball may go.
* Question: Can you find ways of making the players pass the way you want them to?
* Question: What ways can you stop the ball being played across the sqaure?
* Receive back foot where possible (or Recieve furthest foot from defender if not)
* Play two touch
* Players to stay on the line / just inside
* Player on the left and right to be at supporting positions/angels level with defender for player on the ball
* If defender wins the ball then player who lost possesion switches

Rondo 4v1
Set up: 10x10 / 8x8 Square.
1 Ball
5 Players (1 Defender in the middle)
Players on the line, assigned a number or role represntative of position (i.e. No. 5 / CB)
Player Objectives:
Defender focus:
* Recognising player body shape to where the ball may go.
* Question: Can you find ways of making the players pass the way you want them to?
* Question: What ways can you stop the ball being played across the sqaure?
* Question: How can you work together to stop passes across the square?
* Receive back foot where possible (or Recieve furthest foot from defender if not)
* Play two touch
* Players to stay on the line / just inside
* Player on the left and right to be at supporting positions/angels level with defender for player on the ball
* If defender wins the ball then player who lost possesion switches

Learning Objectives
Defending in and around the box
Squad split attackers and defenders.
Defenders start on goal line (2 v 2 to start) play a diagonal pass into the attackers who combine together to score a goal.
Defenders press quickly toward the ball to prevent shots or attackers enterering the area.
After a while increase numbers to 3 v 3 and 4 v 4, rotate roles to give attackers a chance to defend.
If defending team win the ball back can they play the ball through any of the attacking teams goals.
Defenders must communicate with each other, make quick decisions weather to press the ball, delay the play or track runners off the ball.
Encourage attackers to make overlapping runs to enhance defenders understanding of "passing players on" to avoid crossing over and maintain good shape.
Defenders should:
Identify attackers weak foot, force the play onto their weaker side, away from their goal, keep the ball out of the box, prepare to block shots.
High physical demand when defending,
Awareness and focus

Learning Objectives
7 v 7 SSG playing through the thirds, emphasis on defending in the final third.
Midfield players tracking or passing runners on, defenders pressing and preventing shots