30x40 yard grid, each Player with a ball.
Players work in pairs. Set number of touches allowed. If player misplays the ball, a point is given to the other player. Play for a fixed time, winners move up to play a new player.
Coaching Points:
- Players try to improve their touches (suppleness, control and foot-eye coordination) by juggling with different surfaces of their feet & body.

1 player, 1 ball
- Players look to dribble around area, on the coaches command they stop their ball and they find another ball.
- As they approach the next ball they must pretend to strike the ball and hold their stance for 2 seconds before dribbling around the area and repeating the process.
Coaching Points:
1. Non-kicking foot alongside ball
2. Body and head over ball
3. Angle of approach to ball

Players in pairs
One ball per pair
- Player starts with ball in hand, and tries to volley shot into partner's hands.
- Each shot that is caught by the partner is worth a point.
- See which team can get the most points in a set amount of time.
Coaching Points:
1. Locking ankle on contact.
2. Placement of non kicking foot.
3. Stepping into and following through on shot.
4. Angled apporach to ball.

3 10x15 yard channels
Players set up as shown
- Play starts when player on the far end (Shooter) opposite of the goal makes eye contact and checks around the defender and to passer standing next to the goal.
- Shooter plays a 1-touch pass to Midfield player checking to the ball (checks away as ball travels from end-to-end).
- After Shooter plays the pass, they retreat and run around the defender so they can run onto the shot.
- Midfield player plays a 1-touch pass diagonally into the path of the shooter.
- Rotation: Starting passer - Midfield player - Shooter - Starting passer.
- First team to score 10.
- Switch sides to work on opposite foot shot.
Coaching Points:
- Located ball while traveling.
- Angle of approach.
- Head still, eyes on ball and body over the ball.
- Support foot: facing target.
- Kicking foot: toe down, ankle locked.
- Follow through towards target.
- Land on kicking foot.
- Midfield player follows pass to provide passive pressure while taking the shot.

15x20 yard area
12 players
- Line 1 starts off the sequence by dribbling 1v1 against the goalie to shoot (has 3 seconds to get shot off).
- After shooting in Line 1, immediately turns to play give/go drop-pass to player shooting in Line 2 (must shoot first time).
- After shooting in Line 3, immediately turns to play 1v1 to goal against player at the front of Line 3.
- Rotate lines after completing the sequence.
- First player to score 5 goals (individually).
Coaching Points:
- Head up to observe space and defender/goalkeeper.
- Determine proper angle of approach to shoot.
- Determine appropriate surface of foot to shoot.
- Keep head still and eyes focused on the ball.
- Strike ball appropriately (center, low, top).
- Follow through towards target.