1. 1 Player, 1 Ball & cone (as seen above).
1. Players are looking to perform static ball mastery.
- Toe taps
- Side roles
- 4 toe taps / 4 side roles
Coaching Points:
1.Try to lift head up as much as possible.
2. (Side roles) Hopping on non-kicking foot

1. 4 groups of 3 going at the same time.
2. 1st cone to the 3rd cone - 15 yards length.
1. 4 Line with 3 players in each line.
2. Players follow commands of coach who takes them through some running mechanics and co-ordination exercises.
Coaching Points:
1. Arms in north / south direction when running.
2. Movement at shoulders and not at elbow.
3. Straight back.
4. On toes.

1. Players play in pairs.
2. Each pair has two cones. (As seen above).
3. 1 ball between the pair.
4. Distance between the two cones 7/8 yards (adjust depending on ability).
1. Players in the pair are looking to move the ball around the 2 cones with only 2 touches.
Coaching Points:
Receiving Player:
1. On toes (be prepared).
2. Move in line with the ball.
3. Head up as ball travels.
4. 1st touch out of feet to allow head to immediately come up.
Passing Player:
1. Eye Contact before pass.
2. Quality of pass (weight, accuracy & no spin)
1. 1 player plays through the cones and the other player plays around them.

1. 30 x 30
2. 2 groups of 6 (if possible, depending on space).
3. 2 Goals and 6 cones (as seen above).
1. Player A passes to Player B and can't press until Player B touches the ball.
2. Player B is looking to score in either goal.
3. Player A is trying to win the ball and score in either goal.
4. Players must dribble through either gate net before scoring in the goal.
1. Player A can now pressure as the ball is travelling to Player B (encourage quality of pass).

1. Area size 30 x 25.
2. 3 v 3 (include GK if available).
1. Players split up into 4 teams and play a round robin tournament where all teams play.
Coaching Points:
1. 3 lines of attack, 1 defender, 1 midfielder, 1 forward.
2. Create as much space for player in possession.
3. Try to create a triangle at all times to give good angle of support.
4. Team mates create gaps, can player in possession look to Messi into them.