One ball per group of three players
'A' plays a long ball to 'B', 'B' controls and plays 'C'
'A' plays a long ball to 'B', 'B' redirects to 'C' on the run
Coaching Points:
-Lofted pass versus driven pass
-Follow through, positioning of non-kicking foot.
-Cushion the ball to receive, accurate redirect to third player (inside of foot or body?)

Two teams of three inside the grid plus four target players, two on each endline.
3 v 3 with 4 target players. Each team tries to hit a target player in their end zone after connecting three passes. If their target player can control and turn and escape the zone they get a point.
Two points for hitting the target player who may redirect to a midfielder coming in the endzone.
Coaching Points:
-Quality services
-Good first touch
-Accuracy when redirecting (lead pass).
-Good supporting runs for target players.

6 v 5 w GK + 2
Four blue midfielders are looking to serve accurate balls to strikers in final third. Once ball is received by a blue forward, one blue midfielder may enter the final third to support the attack. If red wins ball they look to hit the neutral target players above the half who then restart the play with the attackers.
Neutrals may also play long serves into strikers.
Coaching Points:
-Quality serves to strikers, away from pressure, properly weighted.
-Decision to receive or redirect with support from midfield players

Match (7 v 7) Blue plays 1-3-1-2 against 1-2-3-1
Coaching Points:
Play direct over the opposing mids, support the strikers in final third.