In a 30x40 yard grid, each Player with a ball.
"Juggling with Different Surfaces": Players juggling and avoid using the same surface to juggle with. Start with cannot use 1 consecutive surface, then 2, then 3, etc. Challenge players to see how many different surfaces total they can find to juggle with.
Coaching Points:
Players try to improve their touches (suppleness, control and foot-eye coordination) by juggling with different surfaces of their feet & body.

12 players in a 2 lane grid, 10x20 yards.
Players form 2 lines in each lane and go through a variety of dynamic stretches in 2 lines. Add any static stretches as needed.

Organization: x3 Grids (for 12 Players)
3 Players & 1 ball in a 15x15x15 yard triangular grid.
Players work in groups of 3’s and are looking to take two touches to move the ball around the triangle.
Coaching Points:
· Move away as ball travels
· Check on eye contact
· Receive on back foot
· Head up after 1st touch (make connection with next player)
· Quality of pass (make sure of weight and accuracy)
Player‘s pass the ball on the outside of the triangle with two touches, Players progress to using double pass to get around cone.

Organization: x3 Grids (for 12 Players)
4 players (Players A, B, C, & D) & 1 ball in a 20x30 yard grid.
Sequence 1:
Players receive the ball with pressure on them (pressure moves as ball is passed) and look to set the ball back before spinning in behind defender to get ball in behind.
Sequence 2:
See Progressions
Coaching Points:
· Check at angle by to open up passing lane
· Check shoulder as ball is passed
· Quality of set back (play furthest foot away)
· Keep body open to field as spin
After double pass (Sequence 1), then Player B turns and uses player D (give and go) to beat C again (Sequence 2).

Organization: x2 Grids (for 12 Players)
2 teams of 2 with a 2 Nuetral Target Players, one on each end line; 20x30 yard grid with 1 ball.
Players are looking to transfer the ball from one side of the area to the other. If the opposition win the ball the game continues and they have the same objective.
Both team s are looking to win possession of the ball and our looking to score by transfering the ball from one side of the area to the other. Target players must play into middle players.
Coaching Points:
· Checking at angles to open up passing lanes
· Receiving on correct foot
· Looking to penetrate 1st then posses if you can’t go forward
Teams by earn 1 point if successful with connecting one end zone to the other. Switch Target Players after a targeted points total (after 2-3 points are earned by one team).

3v3 Small-sided tournament games: 4 teams of 3 players each team. 2 fields of 30x40 yards with 2 Pugg Goals on opposite endlines.
4 Teams of 3, play 3v3 tournament style format where each team will play one another. 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie and 0 for a loss. Each game should be approximately 6-8 minutes in duration (obviously play a 3 game tournament).
Coaching Points:
· Review of session's learning outcomes being translated into the game
· 3 lines of attack
· Creating diamond (gives angles of support)
· Making diamond as big as possible (Creating space)
· Identifying any numbers up situations