Getting the players to know different techniques of how to control the ball.

Mixed Ball Control Warm Up (15 min)
Working 3 different areas size depending on age. Have players warming using different methods of controlling the ball, both individually and team work.
A- 1 v 1 playing 1 bounce tennis
B- 2 v 2 playing one bounce tennis
C- Players to have a ball each, moving through cones spread on the floor keeping the ball close to thier feet using different parts, moving the ball to the line then back through the centre, then another line and so on...
One touch per player. No Bounces.
Only using other foot.

Agility with a ball.
Station 1
Simple open agility. Start in the corner. Accelerate - side step- back pedal - side step
4 repetitions per player
Grid is a 5 x 5
Station 2
1 player working, 1 player leading.
Player starts in middle of a 5x5 grid
The player leading holds up a coloured cone. Player must run either forwards or backwards (player can also run 'side straddle) to touch that cone with their hand before returning to the middle of the grid. The leader then immediately holds up another colour.
Player works for 20s - 30s then everyone swaps round.
Repeat for 3 reps per player.
Station 3
Two 5 x 5 grids with two 'common' cones in the centre
Two players work, two rest.
From the two players working one is leading and one is following
Both players start in the middle of their respective square.
The lead player will run and touch a cone on his side or a common cone and return to the middle.The follower will mirror the leaders movements. The leader must not set off to a new cone until the follower is almost back to the middle.
Work time 20-30s
4 sets per pair with two as leader and two as follower
Station 4
Cones are 5m apart both horizontal and vertical.
Player starts at top of diamond with feeder 5m back from point of diamond
Feeder rolls a soft pass to one of the three cones. Player sprints to that cone and one touch passes in back before sprinting back to start cone. Repeated to a different cone.
Important that feeder feeds the ball to his side of cone and plays it with the correct weight. Player working should try to get to the ball before it stops.
Work time 20-30s rotate between each working burst so 3:1 rest. 2 sets per player
Develop with same set up but this time an under arm feed over cone and player must get there before ball bounces. 1 touch control 1 touch pass back. 20-30s work for 2 sets per player.
Station 5
Same set up as drill 4
2 players work, 2 players rest.
1 player is leading, 1 player is working.
Lead player dribbles from their cone to either cone A or B and back to their start cone. Other player mirrors this. Lead player then performs same again chosing either the same cone or a different one but they must not start their second dribble until the other players is nearly at their start cone.
In all drills ensure correct tempo and running technique/cutting.

30x30 yard area
Two teams of 6
First team attacks goal(s); after goal or ball out of bounds, attacker becomes the next defender against other team as the next person in line starts the next attack.
Coaching Points:
- Gain the confidence on the ball
-Change of pace while keepin ball under close control
- Quick transition to defense after turn as attacker is finished.

Session Objective: SSG
Organisation: 6 v 6 on a 40x30 pitch.
Key Factors: Recieving, Passing, Keeping Possesion, Switching Play, Creating space,
Making Angles, Closing down, Body Adjustment, Awareness