4v4 on pitch with 4 players in 4 corners of pitch
Red team plays off 2 Green corner players
Blue team plays off 2 Black corner players
Each corner player has either a 'yellow' or 'orange' cone which they hold up or 'no cone'
Players have to shout which colour cones (or no cone) are being held up by their 2 diaganol cone holders before they take their first touch.
Players play a 5 minute game before swapping teams around
Key Points
Open body position in space to see as big a picture as possible/Check shoulders to see colour cones as ball travels/Before ball is played

2 teams with 4 players from each team on pitch and 2 target players at either end of pitch.
Blues look to switch ball from left to right and then back
Reds look to switch ball from top to bottom and then back
Once pass has been made player then moves in to different zone - rotation of positions
Key Points
Movement and angles of support (Not receiving in straight lines)/Open body shape to receive/Choice of first touch (Backfoot to open up/Front foot to change angle/Away from Pressure)/Check shoulders as ball travels/Quality of pass - Pass carries a message

Red and Blue player race eachother around four poles before being served a throw to try and score from with an attacking header
Attacker then swaps with server and server joins small que. Next 2 players race
Vary headers/volleys/half volleys/chest-thigh volleys
Emphasis is on repetition/Quick tempo throughout
Make competition between both teams, who can score most goals.
Key Points
Heading technique/Observe flight of ball/Adjust feet to move body in a side on position/Timing of jump to meet the ball/Use of arms to jump and generate power to attack ball/Aim to head ball down and low

5v5 with GK's in either goal
Pitch is split in to thirds and team in possesion of ball must play off one touch when in attacking third
Players are allowed free movement around the pitch but ball must go in to final third in order to score
Key Points
Encourage players to play forwards/Support movements to play off (with) furthest player/Shape of front player to be able to play with one touch
Question? Ask players why they think it is important to be able to play with one touch in final third of pitch?