Blocked, variable and SSG focusing on all aspects of heading

Set up and organisation:
16 players used here, in pairs about 5 yards apart.
One ball per pair
Cones placed on the floor about 2 yards apart as target markers
Drill 1:
Players marked number 1 throw the ball with both hands toward their partners at head height (players marked number 2).
The aim is for the players to head the ball back to their respective partner, aiming to head the ball back to their hands.
Perform 10-20 headers each, then swap
Key points:
Body positioning of player doing header
Eyes focused on the ball and keep them open
Strike the ball with the centre of the forehead
Strike the middle of the ball
Follow through and point in the direction you want the ball to travel to
Drill 2: Attacking headers
Players marked number 1 throw the ball towards head height as per the first drill, but players number 2 have to attack the ball and head it downward and aim to get it through the cones laid out and that it bounces before it returns toward their partners.
Perform 10-20 headers before alternating
Key points:
Attack the ball
Head the top part of the ball to aim it down
Get your body position 'side on' to generate power
Jump if you have to, in order to get in the best position to generate the power
Drill 3: Defensive headers
Players marked number 1 throw balls above head height in order for the partners to jump. Players marked number 2 have to spring up and jump and attacke the ball from a defensive perspective.
Players numbered 2 have to attack the ball and aim to head it over their partner, gaining as much air and distance as possible.
Players perform 10-20 headers before alternating
Key points:
Timing to jump and head the ball to get maximum power
Aim to strike the lower part of the ball in order for the ball to travel in the air for longer.
Try to get as much distance and 'air' on the ball
Perform 10-20 headers before alternating

20 x 20 metre pitch with a small goal at each end
8 players, divided into 2 teams
Numerous balls
Four corner areas marked out with cones, approx 5 x 5 metres
This variable drill focuses on attacking and defensive heading, along with additional skills such as passing, communication and movement.
- 2 v 2 play with a ball (players numbered 3 and 4) , and attempt to pass it to one of their team mates (players numbered 1 and 2).
- Red team are attacking the goal nearest to where their team mates are positioned in the corner zones, and are defending the other goal where the blue team players are positioned in the corner.
- Once a ball has been passed to one of the corner zone players, the corner zone player can throw the ball in with an aim for the player to run and head the ball and score.
- Rotate the players after 5 minutes so that every player plays at least 2 small games of 5 minute duration.
Keep individual / team scores
Best attacking / defensive header
Can anyone do a diving header to score /defend?

40 x 30 metre pitch, with goals at each end
6 v 6, with two players from each team in the wide zones, which are about 5 metres wide from the touchline
Numerous balls available
The aim of this SSG is to improve attacking and defensive heading
During this game, players should pass the ball out to the players in the wide zones, who can then cross it for their team mates to score. They can only score by heading the ball.
If the ball goes for a goal kick, they should pass it in from the goal line out to one of the wide zone players.
The wide players are unopposed
Play for 20 minutes, rotating the wide zone players every few minutes.
Potential issue:
If it is difficult to cross the ball accurately from the wide zones, players can use their hands to throw the ball instead.