20 x 20 yd area
8 players (4 blues, 4 whites)
Lots of balls
Blue team aims at the balls in the middle. All fire at the same time. They get a point for every ball they knock off its cone. Then other team goes. First team to 3 points win, then rematch.
Coaching Points:
- Be Patient
- Angle of approach
- Head up observe your target
- Supporting foot is next to the ball pointed at target
- Ankle locked with toe pointed up
- Body weight over the ball
- Follow thru towards target with striking foot remaining open throughout
Pass from further back, add more balls, weaker foot.

30 x 30 area
Several 2 yard gates around grid
1 ball per pair
Players (in pairs) start passing through gate. Progression Players move around field and try to complete as many passes as possible through the gate. Every pass through gate gets 1 point. Progression-Players are timed and it becomes a race to which group gets most points.
Coaching Points:
- Passing Technique: Inside push pass (Outside)
- Right/Left foot
- Lock ankle
- Toe pointed at target
- Weight and accuracy of pass
- Head up to observe target
- Ball contact-middle of the ball
- Angle of approach

20 x 30 yd area with (2) 5 x 5 yd boxes
8 players (2 Teams)
2 pugg goals
12 balls
Player A passes out to Player B, who is standing in their box
Player B receives and tries to pass into their goal without leaving the box
Player A follows pass and joins line in the box
Player B retrieves their ball from the goal and joins passer line
1 point for each ball passed into the goal (does not count if passer is outside of the box)
Coaching Points:
- Angle of approach
- Head up observe your target
- Supporting foot is next to the ball pointed at target
- Ankle locked with toe pointed up
- Body weight over the ball
- Follow thru towards target with striking foot remaining open throughout
Move passing distance back: First start 5 yards, Then move to 10 yards
Specify foot to pass with