To develop ball control and practicing different attacking moves/feints.
In a square of approximately 10 yards we place a circle or in this case position cones in the centre. Players are separated into groups in the corners of the square.
On the coaches command, players dribble towards the centre of the square perform a feint before taking the ball away to the LEFT, RIGHT, RETURN or STRAIGHT to the opposite end.
The different feints and change of position is pre-determined by the coach.
Coaching Points
1- Keep the ball close to the feet.
2- Make many touches with the ball.
3- Dribbling with the ball should be done with soft touches.
4- Move/Feint - exaggerate the move making a sharp movement in a different direction.

Learning Objectives
Possession game that can be used to coach a variety of topics:
Two teams of 5 play in each half. If reds have possession 2 blues can go in and try to win the ball back. If blues win the ball they have to transfer it into their half of the pitch and go and support. 2 red defenders can then go in and try to win the ball.
Coaching Points:
Receiving skills
Passing skills - type variation, weight, disguise, speed of pass.
Support play - movement off the ball to support ball carrier

Learning Objectives
To develop passing and receiving with both feet during combination play.
With 20 metres between players we play 2 periods of 6 minutes.
The players line up in a Y shape and play the passes as shown in the diagram. The player moves to the next position after playing the pass.
Coaching points
1- When receiving with 1 foot and passing with the other the first touch needs to be well judged and pushed out in front of the body.
2- Reduce the time between the first touch and the pass, and then progress to 1 touch when possible.
3- Passes in the combinations need to be weighted well and aimed in front of the teammate so they can run onto the ball.
4- The passing and dribbling should be done at high tempo.

Practice Organisation:
- 15 x 10 Yard area. Half way line marked, and goals at each end.
- Practice starts with coach feeding ball into Attacker. Each team attempts to score in opponent's goal in 1 v 1 situation.
- Player in possession is able to use support from team-mates on outside to retain possession and create new angles of attack.
- Continue playing from GKs save.
- If player with ball is pressured by D he can pass to outside team mate who can dribble inside and attack goal.
- Player on outside can work inside if given ball to create 2 v 1
- If 2 v 1 is created, another D may enter to make 2 v 2
- When 2 v 2 is created, 3rd A enters to join in and make 3 v 2
- If Ds gain possession in 2 v 3, 3rd D may enter to make 3 v 3
Learning Objectives:
1. Screening, shielding and turning techniques
2. Use of body feints and changes of speed
3. Creating space to exploit.
4. Use of peripheral vision to indetify passing outlets
5. Balance and Concentration in defensive role.
6. Blocking shots and recovery of rebounds.

Practice Organisation:
-Pitch is divided into thirds
-IP: Players are allowed to move into any zone
-OP: Players are locked into their own area and must retreat into it if their team lose possession
Emphasis on Shielding, Screening and Combination Play.