Warm Up - Ball Manipulation
Each player has a soccer ball, players are split up into 2 groups with each group working in one side of the grid
Players dribble, perform toe taps/side to sides, a variety of turns. When coach shouts switch players have to switch grids quickly by dribbling!
1) When coach says switch players leave their ball
2) Add touch the line so players have to dribble to the line at speed
3) Hi 5 - leave their soccer ball and high 5 as many of your team mates as possible
Play for 15 Minutes

Technical Practice - Passing
Same sized area as previous drill, same groups, 1 ball between each group.
Players have to pass the ball to each member, first of all stationary and then moving.
1) Number each player in each group so they pass in number sequence
2) Get players to pass and then touch the line - gets them thinking about passing and moving
3) Call 1 number and get them to be defenders, they go into the other groups grid and try and win the ball
4) Get players to pass and follow it and pass and switch positions.
Play for 15 Minutes

Passing Lane
15y by 15y passing lane.
The players with a soccer ball are looking to pass the ball and hit the runners that are looking to get to the other side without getting hit.
For safety, balls cannot go above knee height, players can only use the inside of foot to pass the ball.
Change the passers regularly to give everyone an opportunity to pass the ball.
1) Use the weaker foot
2) Make it into a competition, half the players are passers and the others are not. Which team can get the most players to the other side without getting hit by a soccer ball and then switch duties.
Play for 15 Minutes

Numbers Game
Same area as previous drill, setup like above.
Coach numbers the players of each team, because it is a passing session coach will always call out more than one number. When players numbers are called they are looking to pass the ball to a team mate to get a shot.
Can the players pass the ball to their team mate to get a better goalscoring opportunity?
Play for 15 minutes