Referee fitness programme designed with no equipment required (Fully lined pitch is required).

Perform a constant gentle paced jog around the boundry of the football pitch for 5 minutes.

Perform a varity of dynamic steches. (Stetches on the move)
Heel flicks/cross-overs/high knees/side-stepping/skipping/lunges/hamsting sweeps/hamstring kicks/opening the groin/closeing the groin/heel walking/toes walking/forwards side-side/backward side-side/outside heel flicks/inside heel flicks.

Match speed activitiy.
Start at the corner arc and jog out to the corner of the 18yrd box. From there spring to the opposite corner of the 18 yrd box (referees diagional). Run into the box to the goal line then walk out to the corner and repeat for 5 minutes.

Figure of eight.
Start at A, sprint straight forward to the corner of the 18 yard box, turn sharp and sprint diagionally to the goal line and then another sprint straight forward to the corner of the 18 yard box and finish with a diagonal sprint back to the goal line and complete with a recovery walk to B. The exercise is then repeated = 1 set
Repeat 8 times (8 sets) with 3 minutes active rest between sets (walk half the pitch).

Perform 90% sprint up the lengths of the pitch with recovery walk/jog along the goal lines. 1 full pitch = 1 repetition.
2 sets of 6 repetitions followed by 5 minute recovery break.

Perform high intesity (HI) run around 3/4 of the pitch completed with a recovery walk/jog along the goal line.
2 sets of 7 repetitions.
Aim to complete 1 rep in 45-50 seconds (elite standard).
End with a 5 minute recovery break.

A. Core Stability
Can be either or a combination of holding, balacing or active exercises.
Holding: Plank/side plank/super-man/spider-man/push-up/bridge
Balacing: Single leg/heels/toes/eyes closed/balance balls/balance boards
Active: Push-ups/sit-ups/tri-cep dips/lunges/burpees/squat thrusts/star-jumps
B. Cool down
Static stretching. Stretching the major muscle groups, returning muscle to rest length and getting rid of latic acid.