Receiving away from defense

Dynamic Warm Up
Players moving around small area, half with a ball in hands. Ball is transfered using:
- thigh
- laces
- head
Progress to once passed player must jog backwards round a cone, high knees, butt kicks

Passing Technique
In pairs one player is server with ball. The other starts behind the cone and checks either side to receive the ball using alternate feet.
- Both players start on the same cone and have to dribble across before turning and making a pass
- Player serves the ball from hands so partner has to control in the air

Receive and around
Set up two different colour gates (yellow and blue). Players in the line with ball will pass across to receiver who will take a good first touch then go round either colour. Once the player has passed they take the place of the reciever. Once the players get the hang of it they will call a colour and player must go to that side - progress to opposites.

Coerver 1v1
Player in blue plays the ball across to red who takes a good first touch and tries to score in either goal. They can only score once past the orange cone (scoring zone).
- Player throws ball across to recieve in the air