Will run this session for the next 2 weeks at least for all three of these teams.

10x20 yard area (grid)
Groups of 6 players
Cones / Flags / Markers / Poles (4 different objects matched on each corner)
- First Player in the groups move around the three cones; on coaches command, it's a race to one of the four corners (which ever coach calls out).
- Point to the team of the quicker player.
Coaching Points:
- Head Up
- Quick feet
- Low center of gravity
- Explosive movement to flag or cone that is called
- Quick thinking/decision making
- Opposite of what coach calls (if flag, go to cone and vice versa)
- Vary the movement around the three cones
- Add a pass from the next person in line waiting, and person whose turn it is has to dribble while executing sequence

5v5 as above. Field marked with endlines.
Players throw the ball to one another and try to work the ball into the endzone for a point. If blues steal they go the other way. Players cannot run with the ball once they have caught it.
Coaching Points:
- Movement without the ball
- Connection and communication with teammates
- Speed of play
- Same game, but ball can now not go above head height.
- Same game, but ball is now on the ground and being passed.

40 x 30 yard area set up as shown
10 players (2 teams of 5) set up as shown
9 balls (Additional around the outside)
Team score by knocking their opposition’s balls off the cones.
1st to knock down all 4 balls is the winner
Coaching Points:
Supporting foot is next to the ball, pointed at target
Ankle locked, toe up
Follow through towards target with striking foot remaining open throughout
Body weight over the ball

1. 40 x 30 yard area as shown
2. Two teams of 4 + 2 GK’s
3. 2 goals
4. 1 ball in play
5. Spare balls nearby
1. The objective for the white team is only to possess the ball, they have two players on the inside and two players
on the outside
2. The white team can also use both goalkeepers to help them possess (making 6v4)
3. The objective for the blue team is to win the ball and score in either goal
4. Play for a set time limit and rotate team
5. The team that scores the most goals is the winning team
Coaching Points:
1. Movement off the ball to create passing angles
2. Short passing to draw defenders close
3. Long passing to penetrate and unbalance
4. Use GK to help switch the ball and keep defenders moving
1. P - Reduce touches of attacking team
2. R – The defending team must make two passes before they are able to shoot (allowing attacking team to recover)

6v6 plus GKs
60x40 yard area
- Regular Match
Coaching Points:
- Look to find and attack 1v1 or 2v1 situations.
- Off the ball movement.
- Combination play.
- Shoot when opportunity arises.
- Find target player early.
- Speed of play.