Whole/Part/Whole session on Passing & Receiving

Dynamic Warm Up
Two even numbered lines at either side of the cone
Everything gets performed two times
- Light jog
- Side step (both directions)
- Heel flicks
- High knees
- Open the gates
- Close the gates
- Big kicks (alternate hands to feet)
- Backwards jog to the 2nd cone then turn and sprint
- Slow jog to the 2nd cone then sprint
Circle up & static stretch what you need

Conditioned Gate Game
Set up: Cone a square relative to the groups size and ability. Add in various gates 2 yards in width throughout the square. I plan on using 2 squares with 5 gates with a 5v5 in each square for 4 minute games. Each team plays everyone. Have extra balls on the outside for quick play.
- Coach what you see
- Recieving the ball properly in a positive direction
- Pass technique and choice
- Encourage quick play
- Spacing
- Communication
Limit touches
First team to 10 points wins
Give and go through gates
Third man run through gates
Remove two gates so now can only score in three
Open the field into one big one so now its 10v10

Passing & Receiving Technique
Set up: In pairs, one ball each. Distance away from each other is 10 yards (adjust to ability/age). Each progression will last for no longer than a minute.
1. Pass the ball back and forth (two touch)
2. Meet the ball, pass then back pedal back around the cone (don't stand and wait to receive)
3. Stand behind the cone, receive the pass, bring it across the body and pass the ball back on the other side of the cone
4. Same as #3 but bring it across with the outside of the foot
5. 1 touch passing
6. 1 touch pass max (how many in 1 minute)

Passing & Receiving Technique Progression
Set up: Same as before but now they will work with the group opposite (see shaded area). Each progression is for 1 minute. The middle two work for one minute each before switching out.
1. Pass into the middle, pass back then switch
2. Pass into the middle, open up, play it long
3. Pass into the middle, open up, chip it into hands
4. Pass into the middle, open up, overlap

Conditioned Game
Set up: 4 goals on each corner, 5 gates set up in the middle
- Pass through a gate before shooting
- Pass through a gate = 1 point
- Restrict which goals teams can shoot in
Take out gates for open play