A - Player dribbles to first cone at full speed, player stops ball just before cone.
B - Player sprints to right hand cone and changes direction quickly to get to opposite ball
C - Player shoots at goal
Then repeat drill on the left hand side for a left foot strike at goal
Run to middle and do:
High 5s
Low 5s
Run around each other and run backwards
Acceleration + Deceleration
ABC elements to enable players to mave movement smoothly

Players are set up in a basic 1v1 circuit but with 2 goals as their target.
Defenders have a ball each and serve to the the first attacker in the line
Players play for three minutes and attack as many times as possible before attackers and defenders swap round.
Ask players to use as many different face to face tricks as they can remember - every go a different trick. We are establishing what thay have remembered this week rather than the quality of each trick. We can work on the quality in subsequent weeks when we revisit the individual trick
Go to attack one of the goals with pace/Sudden deceleration to gain yard on defender/Two quick touches with inside of foot and body spin to roll around and accelerate in to other goal

PLAYING THROUGH THE THIRDS 2-1-2 V 2-2-1 (With Rotations From Back and Front 3)
6 v 6 With Keepers
Pitch size 50x30 or as near as you can get. Split into 3 uneven thirds as illustrated with the middle third being the smallest.
The object is that the ball must travel through all three thirds of the pitch regardless of whether a shot is taken or not.
We are looking to solve the problem field third to allow this to happen.
The practice always starts form the coached team (reds goalkeeper.
Playing out should be simple and the back 3 should not need to rotate - let the opponents do what they like if coached team keeps getting out. So if they send a second player into the attcking third to make a 2 v 2 you can can then encourage the back 3 to rotate to get on the ball.In the defensive rotation; movement must be real and the coached team must maintain 2 defenders in back third and 1 midfield player in mid third.
Once you are getting the ball successfully into a player in the defending third; then work on rotations of the front 3 to get the midfield player on the ball. Players intitially must keep the balance of 1 player in mid third and 2 players in attacking third.
Players are allowed to change the balance of players in each third as long as they keep the shape as per the pink lines
Add players
Create space - dispersal off players
Stretch opponents end to end side toi side#
Choice of type of rotation
Speed, timing of rotation
Body shape
Pace and direction of the pass - safe side, under/overhit
Exploit space

Futsal: Rule Summary:-
Dimensions: 25-42 m long x 15-25 m wide
When the ball goes out of bounds over the sideline (touchline), it is put back into play with a kick-in. The kick-in can not go directly into the goal.
When the ball goes out over the end line, it is put back into play either by throwing the ball back into the playing area, or awarding a Corner Kick.
After a goal has been scored, it is put back into play by a kick off.
Players have 4 seconds to take free kicks, corner kicks and kick ins. Goalkeepers have only four seconds to get the ball back into play upon receiving it.
Goalkeeper can not touch the ball again in his own half unless it has been touched by an opponent. The GK can move into the attacking half to touch the ball.
Players can score from anywhere on the field.
No slide tackling or shoulder charging. All fouls are penalized as in 11 a side soccer. The opponent must be five yards away from the ball at the time of the kick.
No off-sides.