Session One, Week One of Intramural Training Program

15 x 30 yard area. All platers involved. TO Identify the area and introduce soccer-specific movement. Coach shouts "Red Light" or "Green Light" to stop and go.
1. Introduce a ball
2. Instead of shouting, hold up a red and a green cone
3. "Rush Hour" - Dribble slowly (Stuck in traffic)
4. Highway Patrol - Coaches enters area and if he "pull over" players (follows them) They have to stop.
Coaching Points
1. Stay in the area
2. Head up, look around, between touches
3. Slow down to turn.
4. Both Feet.

15 x 30 yard area. All players involved. To Identify the area and introduce soccer-specific movement. Walk The Dog. Player 'walk the dog' (dribble). '
1. 'wash the dog' - boxing
2. 'pet the dog' - toe-taps
3. 'play dead' - roll the ball with soul of foot
Coaching Points
1. Stay in the area
2. Head up, look around, between touches
3. Slow down to turn.
4. Both Feet.

20 x 30 yard (4 v 4) or 30 x 40 yard (6 v 6). 2 teams. Introduction of teams. Score by dribbling ball, under control, into ANY End Zone and stop the ball. If th eball goes out, dribble or kick in, no offside.
Teams can only score in 1 End Zone each (Gives direction)
Players can only move the ball forward by dribbling (passing must be sideways or backwards)
Coachign Points
Create space for ball carrier.
Change direction.
Change Speed.
Dribble v Speed Dribble (Running with the ball)

Free Play - Play 5 v 5 or 6 v 6 - Encourage learning outcomes from previous session parts.
Coaching Points
Create space as a team/individual
Effective Communication