Warm up working indivdually within a large area.
On coaches command work on; ball manipulation, turns, skills, control. Working with both feet.
Add competitive element - "how many stepovers can you do in 30sec?" Make sure execution isn't compromised.
Working on accurate passing and receiving variations.
Players pass to each other in number order and follow their pass. Make sure players also work going in the opposite direction.
Coaching Points - Movement away from the cone, body angle, quality & weight of passes.
Progressions - 1) receiving the ball before the cone using outside of foot 2) play 1/2 combinations around the cones 3) if good enough 1 touch passing around the cones?
Passing, receiving and moving within the area passing through the gates.
Unopposed to start. How many gates can they pass through in 1 minute?
Progress to 3v3 in the middle with the 3rd team on the outside as wall passers. Rotate teams round. Working in triangles.
Looking for quick accurate passes, movement off the ball & players receiving body position to enable efficient transition between gates.
Small sided game.
Use various conditions - 3,2 or 1 touch only depending on ability. Must make 8 passess before you can shoot. 1 touch finish.