1. 20x20 area with a 10x10 grid set up in the middle set up as shown
2. 12 players separated into teams of 3 (with each team on a different side of the area) set up as shown.
3. 16 balls, 4 on each side (Additional around the outside)
1. Teams score a point by getting ball into their teammates hands in the center grid.
2. Player 1 plays a pass to Player 2, Player 2 plays a pass back to Player 1, Player 1 plays a lofted ball into the center grid.
3. If player 3 catches the ball it is a point, if the ball is missed, no point is awarded.
4. Player 1 has four chances to play into the center grid. Once all balls have been played Player 1 becomes Player 2, Player 2 becomes Player 3, Player 3 becomes Player 1. Rotation continues until each player has played every position.Â
5. Team with the most points wins.
Coaching Points:
1. Angle of approach off center
2. Head up to observe your target area
3. Head down at the point of contact
4. Non kicking foot placed to side, slight behind the ball
5. Ankle locked, toe down
6. Contact ball middle above the mid line
7. Contact foot laces (Instep)
8. Pull hips round to face the target at contact
9. Body weight forward chest and knee over the ball at contact
10. Follow through is controlled
11. Target area is in between the defender and the post
12. Ideal delivery stays low to the ground
1. P Player 2 can close down Player 1 to add mild pressure
2. R - Make center grid larger

1. Half field with goal set up as shown
2. Team split into two groups with different pinnies for each.
2. Two crossing lines, one of the right side of the field and one on the left
3. Two finishing lines, one of the right side of the field and one on the left
4. Multiple balls at the crossing lines.
1. Team 1 Crosser will cross the ball into the box in front of goal.
2. Team 1 Finisher will run into box and attempt to score on the cross played in by teammate, player has one touch to finish.
3. Team 2 Crosser will cross the ball into the box in front of goal.
4. Team 2 Finisher will run into the box and attempt to score on the cross played in by teammate, player has one touch to finish.
5. Crossers and finishers will switch lines after each turn.
6. Each team will play in 12 crosses, when all have been completed they will switch sides of the field and attempt 12 crosses from the opposing side.
7. Each team will receive a point for each goal scored.
Coaching Points:
1. Angle of approach off center
2. Head up to observe your target area
3. Head down at the point of contact
4. Non kicking foot placed to side, slight behind the ball
5. Ankle locked, toe down
6. Contact ball middle above the mid line
7. Contact foot laces (Instep)
8. Pull hips round to face the target at contact
9. Body weight forward chest and knee over the ball at contact
10. Follow through is controlled
11. Target area is in between the defender and the post
12. Ideal delivery stays low to the ground
1. P - Add a second attacker
2. P - Add defender
3. R - Allow Finisher multiple touches

1. Half field with goal set up as shown
2. Team split into two groups with different pinnies for each.
2. Two crossing lines, one of the right side of the field and one on the left
3. Two finishing lines, one of the right side of the field and one on the left
4. Multiple balls at the crossing lines.
1. Team 1 Crosser will dribble the ball into the box and cross the ball in front of goal.
2. Team 1 Finisher will run down the field and attempt to score on the cross played in by teammate, player has one touch to finish.
3. Team 2 Crosser will dribble the ball into the box and cross the ball in front of goal.
4. Team 2 Finisher will run down the field and attempt to score on the cross played in by teammate, player has one touch to finish.
5. Crossers and finishers will switch lines after each turn.
6. Each team will play in 12 crosses, when all have been completed they will switch sides of the field and attempt 12 crosses from the opposing side.
7. Each team will receive a point for each goal scored.
Coaching Points:
1. Angle of approach off center
2. Head up to observe your target area
3. Head down at the point of contact
4. Non kicking foot placed to side, slight behind the ball
5. Ankle locked, toe down
6. Contact ball middle above the mid line
7. Contact foot laces (Instep)
8. Pull hips round to face the target at contact
9. Body weight forward chest and knee over the ball at contact
10. Follow through is controlled
11. Target area is in between the defender and the post
12. Ideal delivery stays low to the ground
1. P - Add defender
2. R - Allow Finisher multiple touches