Technical Functional Training

Technical Warm Up:
Short - short - long passing: Player A plays a short pass to B. B plays a one-touch pass back, A returns a short pass and makes a bending run to opposite end. B plays a long pass to C, who controls a one-touch pass to A.
Cycle repeats from oppposite end.
Variations: Players can use two-touch to improve control, but must progress to one-touch for improved speed of play.

Small Sided Activity: 4 + 4 v 4
*Team is divided in three groups of 4 to 5 players. Each group is restricted to 1/3 of grid.
*Coach starts game by playing a lofted ball into one of the outside areas. Team receiving ball will play 3-consecutive passes before playing a long pass to other side of the grid.
*Team in the middle defends by sending two players into area with the ball and attempting to win possession, If ball is won, then they must quickly play ball to other side of the grid. Team who loses possession must then switch to defense.
Note: If ball goes out of bounds it is no longer in play. Coach will restart play with a lofted pass to opposite side of grid. Team that loses ball is now defending.

Expanded Small Sided Activity: 3 v 4 + 1N in each half of field.
Teams are restricted to their half of field until the back line can link with the front runners, then 2 attackers defenders can join the attack.
When possession is lost defenders must return to their half of the field.
Neutral player is always with attacking team.

The Game: 1-3-2-2; 1-3-3-1
Laws of the game apply.
Emphasize linking of all lines, particularly when 1v1 situations are possible at opposite sides of the field.