Session with sports scientist focusing on agility, core strength, balance, speed endurance and fitness.
Gym session is incorporated into this part of the session also.

Drill set up as shown with 2 players per mannequinn.
1 ball in each corner, all balls are played at the same time to start the practise.
A drill that looks at techniques of passing, communication, movement off the ball, 1 touch play.
Players must be switched on and alert for drill to be successful.
Ideal for 16 players.

Learning Objectives SSG DEFENDING 2 V1 IN WIDE AREA
Technical high tempo SSG creating an over load in wide area to deliver a cross,
set up players as shown on screen, 2 players in the central area, attackers in wide areas play 2 v1 to create a cross for attacker to score

3 team game 2 on 1 off 3 min games. challenge the team who comes off to talk about what went wrong and how we can put that right as a team and try to put it into practice in next game.
Make pitch dimensions tight as to challenge players to play in difficult / situations.
Encourage competitiveness throughout.
Progress to 1 touch / 2 touch / freeplay.