Organisation: Mark out an area of 40x20yds, devide this area into 3 areas, two end zones of 10x20yds, which will leave a middle section of 20x20yds.
Players are to pass the ball to opposite ends via the players in the middle area. A player in the end area passes to a player in the middle area who makes a forward run onto the ball, player who passed from the end area moves into the middle and the player recieveing will make a run into end area the pass came from once he/she has passed to opposite area.
Use of weaker foot
1 or 2 touch
Key Points
Approach/Well balanced
Standing foot by side of ball
Foot contact - laces, inside, outside, heel, sole, toe poke
Ball contact - follow through
Timing - when to pass

Organisation: Mark out an area of 40x20yds, devide this area into 3 areas, two end zones of 10x20yds, which will leave a middle section of 20x20yds. Posistion 3 attackers in each area and 3 defenders who float, ie they can go in any area to defend.
Players are to pass the ball to opposite ends via the players in the middle area. A player in the end area passes to a player in the middle area, who has made a forward run, when one pass is made from one zone to another, 1 player from each zone must interchange zones.
1 Or 2 touch
Weaker foot
Key Points:
Awareness of defenders
Decision making - pass to next zone or supporting player
Approach/Well balanced
Standing foot by side of ball
Foot contact - laces, inside, outside, heel, sole, toe poke
Ball contact - follow through
Timing - when to pass
If defenders press as a unit, pass long to end zone

Organisation: Mark out an area of 40x30yds with two end zones 5x30yds.
Play 4v4 in the larger area and 2 target men in the end zones, to start play the ball is played across the end zone and then into the larger area. The players are to create opportunites to make either a pass to team mates or the target men in the end zones, once the ball is passed into an end zone it is recycled to the opposite team.
Key Points:
Create space - individual/team
Support - behind/square of the ball
Individual technique
Head up to assess passing options
Selection of pass
Accuracy/weight of pass
Movement/timings of runs off the ball
Good end product