In a 30x40 yard grid, each Player with a ball.
"The Fantastic 4 Juggling Challenge": Players juggle using the following sequence: laces, laces, thigh, thigh (alternating right & left on their own with each particular surface). Players try to see how many "Fantastic 4" sequences they can do consecutively. Challenge players to set their own new record.
Coaching Points:
Players try to improve their touches (suppleness, control and foot-eye coordination) by juggling with different surfaces of their feet & body.

- 12 players in a 2 lane grid
- 10x20 yard area setup as shown
- 1 Ball per player
- Players from 2 lines in each lane and go through a variety of dunamic stretches in 2 lines
- Introduce ball to include various dynamic & dribbling moves
- Add any static stretches as needed

- 25x25 area set up as shown
- 12 players (divided into groups of 3 in each corner)
- 4 balls (1 per group)
- (A) Attacker 'Messi' dribbles out to cones & performs a turn
- (B) After turning Attacker now plays a wall pass with team mate - must receive at different angle
- (C) After receiving the wall passes & turning Attacker dribbles through cones performing skill move
- (D) Once clear of the cones Attacker now plays a pass to team mate & process repeats
Coaching Points:
- Dribbling: Messi dribbles. Short sharp touch with outside toe. Every step is a touch
- Turning: Execution of turn. Sell the turn & vary the turns
- Movement to receive Wall Pass: check shoulder/surroundings. Body shape side on to initiate turn
- Dribbling & Skill Move: Acceleration through cones, execution of skill move. Aware of traffic!
P - After passing (D) Attacker now closes down down team mate who must receive offline

- 12x25 area set up as shown (duplicate as needed)
- 4 players (2 servers/defenders & 2 attackers)
- 1 ball (additional on outside)
- 2 target goal or mini goals at either end
- Servers/Defenders begin with the ball at end lines
- Attackers in the middle face each other before 'spinning' away at an angle ready to receive
- As the attackers spin off servers play pass into Attacker who recieves & looks to turn (A)
- After turning Attacker dribbles & attackers the target goals at end lines (B)
- Defender moves toward to apply pressure but is not allowed to challenge
- Attacker performs 'skill move' past defender before scoring
- Players have now rotated, defenders now start in the middle & become attackers
Coaching Points:
- Movement away to create space: angle & speed
- Check shoulder as ball is passed
- Side body shape as receiving the ball
- 1st Touch: various receiving techniques. Can you face forward quickly
- Be aware of Defender: distance & pressure
P - Servers/Defender hold up numbers 1-5 for Attacker to "check shoulder" & call out
P - Defender can now challenge & intercept the ball

- 15 x 25 Area set up as shown
- Three groups of 2 (3 different colors) playing 2v1
- Two mini goals on the same end line.
- Both players start in the triangle, the defender(b) can't move outside triangle until the attacker(a) does
- Attacking team in possession can use support players on the outside (two touch).
- Attacker aims to score in either mini goal
- Player A is Attacker, Player B is defender, Player C is Serving/Target player.
- Player A & B start in Triangle, A checks & tries to receive ball off C, & has to score in either goal.
- Player B is trying to steal ball and find Target Player C to score a point.
- After set time rotate players
Coaching Points:
- Pass as they check
- Check shoulder as ball is passed
- Communication by passing player
- Can attacker open out to attacker defender
- If not can they move 1st touch into space to pick their head up
P - Attacker has time limit to score

- 2 x 30x40 Area's set up as shown
- 3v3 Small-sided tournament games: 4 teams of 3 players eachteam.
- Mini goal on each endline
- 1 Ball per field (additional on outside)
- 4 Teams of 3 players
- 3v3 tournament style format where each team will play one another
- 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie and 0 for aloss.
- Each game should be approximately 6-8 minutes in duration (obviously play a 3 game tournament).
Coaching Points:
· Review of session's learning outcomes being translatedinto the game
· 3 lines of attack
· Creating diamond (gives angles of support)
· Making diamond as big as possible (Creating space)
· Identifying any numbers up situations
P - Once in attacking half (indicated by tall cones) player/team cannot retreat back in defensive half
P - Touch limitation (depending on group quality)