1. 30 x 30 yard area set up as shown
2. 3x3x3 yard triangles (Mouse Holes) set up throughout area
3. Half of players start in triangle with soccer ball
4. Half of the players in area without soccer ball
5. All Players (Jerry's) have a pinny hanging out their shorts to represent a tail
6. Tom starts the game inside his liter box
1.Players have to avoid losing their tail. You can lose your tail if Tom comes to eat (take out of shorts) it before you get into a mouse hole
2.Once inside a mouse hole you are safe from Tom's paws.
3. Only one Jerry can be in a Mouse Hole at anyone one time.
4. If you are accupying a mouse hole and another Jerry runs into your Hole you MUST leave that hole IMMEDIATELY or risk losing your tail.
P.S. When leaving the Hole you cannot leave the through the same side that another mouse enters from
5. Game ends when Tom collects all the Tails or if the kids get too tired.
Coaching Points:
1.Head up to observe open mouse in mouse hole
2.Communication between players
3.Push pass inside square
4.Open body up to receive on back foot
5.Head up to observe next action
1.R - Ball cannot leave the same side of the square it entered from
2.R - Add a roaming defender that must prevent passes into the squares

30 by 20 area
12 players, 6 inside and 6 outside
6 balls
Player must recieve a pass from the outside servers then pass back and rotate to a different server and complete the same action with the new server.
Coaching Points:
head up
ready to receive
comunication on approach
possative first touch for the pass
power of pass
exicution of correct passing techneque(inside foot)
The players can now recieve a pace from an outside server and dribble the ball to an open server to complete a pass.
Add in defender to try and stop the passess being completed to the server.

1.Large circle or squre around 30 yards in diameter set up as shown
2.12 players (3 Attackers, 3 Defenders, 6 Servers) set up as shown
3.4 balls
1.Players on the outside serve the ball to players on the inside
2.Players on the inside receive the ball on their foot and must look to pass to a new player that does not have a ball
3.After the players make their pass they go and find a new server
4.Defending players must attempt to win possession from the attacking players
5. Attacking players on the inside have the option of returning the ball to the original server if they can not open their body up to find a new player
Coaching Points:
1.Select appropriate surface
2.Withdraw surface at impact
3.Use arms for balance and to help shield the ball from pressure
4.Direction of touch to enable next action
1.P – 4 vs. 4 in the center of the circle
2.R – 3 vs. 2 in the center of the circle to reduce the pressure

1.Two 20 x 30 yard areas as shown
2.Two teams of 6 players
3.Lots of soccer balls with coach
1.The Coach passes a ball into each area, teams send two players into opposing half to play 4 v 2
2.Defending players attempt to steal ball and return it to their own area
3.If successful, play 6 v 2 with 2 soccer balls for as long as possible
4.Attacking team scores points for every pass completed when both soccer balls are in their own area
Coaching Points:
1.Speed of play
2.Importance of using 1st touch to move away from pressure
3.Keep the ball moving
4.Awareness of space
5.Combination play to keep defenders moving and unbalanced
1.P - Add 3rd defender if attacking team keep both balls for a set period of time
2.P – Send only one player over to defend to play 5v1

-30x45 yard area
-4 gates
-2 teams of 3-5
-1 ball
-Teams play possession & attempt to score a point by dribbling through a gate on opposing end.
-First team to 5 wins
Coaching Points:
-Attacking space
-Changes of speed & direction
-set number of passes & touches
-Pass through gate to score