Playing out of the back (15 min)
Set Up: Attacking team must play through each 1/3 to score. 2v2in end 1/3. 2v2 + a floater in middle. Man who passes ball into next third can go in to create over load.
Variations: 2 touch
Coaching Points: Offcer angels of support, communication, move the ball quickly
Passing & Dribbling (15 min)
Whites dribble from end to end inside the grid using as many touches as possible but must always be travelling forward. Reds have a ball between 2 must pass across grid and disect Whites. Reds can move up and down to create better angles to recive.
Progression- Allow Whites to stop for 2 secs to create more of an obstruction.
Coaching Points: Weight of passes, change of direction while dribbling, movment to receive
Connecting from side to side (15 min)
Set up: 30x30 - Reds, when in possession attack from end to end they must get ballacross with out being intercepted to score 1 point. Blues attack from side to side when they have the ball.
Technical: Passing/reciving skills R.W.B, movement to create space.
Create space to recieve. Good body position. Always look to play forward.
Agility, balance and co-ordination. Short - sharp movement, high intensity.
Psych/ Social: Communication / concentration. Can the individual impose himself on the practice.
Coaches Comments: Encourage players to move the ball quickly, movement off the passes, hips & shoulders to target