1. Open area.
2. Every player with a ball.
1. Juggling upon arrival: one bounce, one juggle.
2. After juggling, players dribble in area.
3. Introduce Messi/Ronaldo concept.
4. Players perform soccer-specific movements on command.
Coaching Points:
1. Messi - pinky toe, close control.
2. Ronaldo - instep, ball out of feet.
3. Head up when ball is out of feet.
4. Messi - find gaps.
5. Ronaldo - find space.
1. Ensure players use both feet.

1. 30x20 area.
2. 3x3 triangles scattered around area.
3. Plenty of balls.
1. Players outside triangles with balls.
2. Players inside triangles without balls.
3. Players with balls look to play a pass to players in triangles.
4. Player receiving must exit the triangle with one touch.
5. Player that makes the pass follows in to occupy the triangle.
Coaching Points:
1. Connection with teammate - visual and verbal.
2. Open body shape to receive on back foot.
3. Movement to receive.
4. Quality of pass.
1. Players cannot exit on the same side the ball entered.
2. Passing player pressures immediately.

1. 20x20 area
2. Two goals set up as shown.
3. Two groups of players set up as shown.
4. Plenty of balls.
5. Attackers' cone is 5yds off the endline.
1. Defender passes ball to attacker and overlaps before trying to win the ball.
2. 1v1 to goal with attacker trying to score on either of two goals.
3. Play ends once defender wins the ball or attacker scores.
4. Players return to original lines.
5. Start 1v1 with two different players.
6. Rotate roles after 2-3 minutes.
7. Defender can score by running through counter gates (shown in blue)
Coaching Points:
1. Quality and direction of first touch.
2. Look to attack space.
3. Head up to recognize space and pressure.
4. Body shape sideways on to receive.
1. Start ball on both sides to ensure repetition with left and right.
2. Ten second time limit to score.

1. 40x30 area.
1. Teams play 3v3.
2. Simultaneous games running.
3. No corners. Can restart with kick-in or dribble in.
Coaching Points:
1. Three lines of attack.
2. Creation of width and depth.
3. Angles and distance of support.
4. Timing of support.
5. Role of 1st attacker - penetrate.
1. Ensure all teams play each other.