Passing & Receiving

Passing & Receiving
技术训练-传接球 U13
Short Pass/Receiving

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Quick Feet (passing & Receiving)

Set Up - 2 players , 1 ball

1.5m - 2.0 m apart - Start passing & receiving ball with both feet

Progression - shorter the distance and increase the intensity(Counting on number of passes before making mistake)

Coaching Points

Passing: 1. Fast, sharp and accurate passes 2. Eyes on the ball, use both feet 3. Pace, timing, weight of the pass 4. Communication

Receiving: 1. Body behind the ball, 2. Body position (bend knees , on your toes) ,3. . Eyes on the ball, 1st touch 4. Communication

Passing & Receiving

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see diagram for set-up aprox (6 cones/3 players and a ball)

area approx. 5x20 yards

Player B start running toward Player A, PLayer A passes the ball to Player B and Player B Passes back to Player A , then Player B run to toward Player A to receivesthe ball from Player C and paases back to Player B . This will conitnue for 2 minutes then change player in the Middle.

Coaching points:

Player B must run toward the other players to recieves the ball

Passing: 1. Fast, sharp and accurate passes 2. Eyes on the ball, use both feet 3. Pace, timing, weight of the pass 4. Communication

Receiving: 1. Body behind the ball, attack the ball 2. Body position, check shoulders 3. Eyes on the ball, 1st touch control 4. Communication

Long Passes / Short Passes

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see diagram for set-up aprox (6 cones/3 players and a ball)

area approx. 5x20 yards

Start with Player A passes the ball to player B (short pass), player B passes the ball to player C (long passes), then player B run to Point 1 and ready to receives the ball back from player C, player C then move toward Point2, then player B passes the ball player C . Player C then passes the ball to player A (Long ball and start to run to Point 3. The drill continues going around with the premiseof long passes / short passes.

Coaching points:

Player ability to change speed, creating the "Triagle" , and working on conditioning

Passing: 1. Fast, sharp and accurate passes 2. Eyes on the ball, use both feet 3. Pace, timing, weight of the pass 4. Communication

Receiving: 1. Body behind the ball, attack the ball 2. Body position, check shoulders 3. Eyes on the ball, 1st touch control 4. Communication

Small Game Endurance

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Pending on number of players at the practice, we'll have 7v7 , Half Field

Intensive Endurance Training (Game)

4 minutes game time, with 2 minutes rest going for 4 reps.

Focus Point, Everyone must be going full out for 4 minutes,

Communications, passing & receiving, Triangle, Open space