To help players trap the ball.

Organization: 3 groups of 6 players three players on the inside of the square and three on the outside. Players on the outside pass the ball to players in the inside like The Dutch Circle drill.
Instructions: Players receive the ball and pass to another player on the outside of the area
Coaching Points:To be on your toes when your receiving a pass, take your first touch into space, a positive first touch with out losing control. To receive the ball using different surfaces of the foot. Example Front foot, back foot, Receiving the ball to turn, and last to receive the ball through the legs
Progressions: start of by rolling the ball with there hands then they start to pass it. Using left and right feet

Organization: 3 channels
Instructions: Players have to receive the ball from a neutral player on one side of the grid and pass it to there teammate who has to pass it to the other neutral player who then is rewarded with a point.
Coaching Points: to check shoulder before receiving a pass. To take the first touch into space and away from pressure. To use a variety of different surfaces to make play unpredictable
Progressions: Players then have to do everything above but then have to pass the ball to the original neutral player to score a point.

Organization: 3 zones 30x70
Players have to receive the pass from the other grid to receive a point
Coaching Points: To be on your toes when your receiving a pass, take your first touch into space, a positive first touch
Progressions: add a defender increase the number of pass a team must make

Instructions: 4v4
Coaching Points: All the coaching points from slides.