"Setting the Tone"
Economical activities along with Touch Sequence Series work.
Activities hitting tech/tact/phyiscal and mental aspects of NOVA attitude and effort, developing common traits in our players at youngest competitive ages in order to transfer/graduate into U13 and above programming

Organization of Session
Every player with a ball
General touch sequence series for warm-up, techincal confidence and creativity
Players get in common group #'s, groups of 3-4 - lining up across the start/finish line
Midfield line of cones or line showing where the switch foot/side/pattern
Touch Sequence Series - Key Points
Player on the ball constantly moving, on toes and active
Using the closest surface in relation to the ball - make uncomfort zone your comfort zone
Develop rhythm and pattern to training habits/work
A. Starting group work across space with deisgnated touch sequence,
B. @ Half Line switch feet or starting foot of sequence
C. Players perform to destination line, wait for all behind to finish with active rest (foundation, ball touches, hop with sole, etc.)
***Once all working groups have completed, go back to start line with same touch sequence from C.
Initial Touch Series as follows:
- Foundation
- Ball Taps/Toe Touches - Fwrd/Backward
- Same Foot Inside/Outside
- Alternating Feet - Outside/Inside Outside/Inside
- Out of foundation 1-2-3 Throw Touch Sequence Rhtythm
- Foundation - Push/Pull - Inside/Sole
- Foundation - Push/Pull - Laces/Sole
Coaching Points
On toes, knees bent and use surfaces with discipline/creatively
Must be performed moving
If mistake occurs, no biggie, tells us you are trying
To master, same touch distances, same surfaces, same rhythm, same speed THEN...
Twist it, reverse it, add a hop/turn, roll or make 2 touches 1!!!

Organization of Session
Channels set up with 3 zones making up the Gauntlet. Each square is 10x10 or 12x12 (larger is harder for defender)
3 defending players standing on the lines dividing the channel.
Attacker starts at end of channel with a ball
DONE - If attacker dribbles out, is tackled out or defender wins and dribbles or passes out with other defenders to starting point of channel - attacking run over, rotate and start w/new attacker
Key Points
1. Once attacking player dribbles into first section, 1a. defender can join the space. This initial space can only be defended by this player, no other can join.
***OTHER defenders slide on their lines waiting for attacker to join the third in front of them, activating their defending pressure.
2. Once attacker gets into 2nd 3rd, 2a can join space and defend. 1a is done defending now, unless ball comes into their space.
3. When attacker gets into final 3rd, attempt to breakdown/beat defense and get over the end line "with control" #4.
***Defenders can only defend space in front of their starting line and only join once attacker joins***
Coaching Points
Side on, 1 foot in front of other stance, on toes, last step backward (don't dive in)
Force attacking play direction you want it to go (to support, in this case the sideline)
Front foot tackling and learning how to separate the attacker from the ball
Get "touch tight" when attack goes sideways or backwards
Anticipate where attacker is going and slide over
If attacker loses possession, focus is relentless pressure/attempt to win ball back first 4 seconds
If defender gains possession get ball to starting point of channel as fast as possible

Organization of Session
- 4v4 to small goals. Field is 30x20.
Key Points
- 4v4 with 4 second rule. If ball is lost and then won back in 4 seconds = goal.
Coaching Points
- Immediate chase when possession is lost
- technique (not overbalanced, punish bad touch, seperate player from ball)