How/when to dribble and beat a defender. Emphasis on wing play.

-2 cones, 10yds apart.
-2 players per set of cones.
-Every player with a ball.
-Coach demostrates different ball mastery techniques then watches while players try to replicate movements.
-Want players to get lots of touches on the ball using the inside and outside of both feet.
-Foundations, scissor, inside-inside-outside, outside-outside-inside, inside-outside.
Coaching Points:
1. Head up, don't stare at the ball.
2. Use both feet.
3. Body position, knees bend, low center of gravity.
4. Quick touches using inside and outside of feet.
-Competition: Who can get to cone quickest?
-Who can get most repetitions in 30 seconds?

-Half field, with channels on both sides.
-1 attacker and 1 defender in each channel.
-3 attackers in the middle and 1 defender.
-Players A and B knock the ball between each other then play to C when they check to the ball.
-Player C plays D.
-D looks to beat defender 1v1 and get down the flank.
-Players A or B and C make runs into the box.
-Defenders can not win the ball.
-Alternate sides, 1 right flank, 1 left flank.
Coaching Points:
1.When to make run.
2. Correct technique of move (scissor/inside-outside).
3. Head up to find players in the box.
4. Speed of movement.
-Dribble to end line and look to pull it back.
-Head up for a cross.
-Defenders can now when the ball.

-Same as previous.
-Change of passing rotation.
-Player B plays to C.
-C plays back to A.
-A plays out to D who then goes 1v1 with defender.
Coaching Points:
1. TIming of runs.
2. Accurate passes, should be clean and quick.
3.Correct technique to beat defender.
4. Head up to find players in the box.

-Half field
-4v4 to goal.
-No restrictions.
-Look to be creative and take on players.
Coaching Points:
-Look to isolate players 1v1.