Players divided into two teams
1 Yellow paired with 1 Blue
Begin with 1-2 rounds without a ball, then add soccer balls
Cat & Mouse
Yellow team are mouses, Blue team are Cats
Goal is to not let your Cat catch up and tag you
Use any means neccessary to stay away
-speed, body feints, other players, etc
Every tag gets you a point
-Mouse given 5 step head start after each tag. Can use pinnie tails as well
Coaching Points:
Head up analyzing situation
-Do I have space to run into and avoid being tagged
-Am I pinned back and need to creatively deceive my defender
Add in soccer balls for Cats (Defenders)
-On coahc's call of "Freeze" defenders try to pass ball through their opponents open legs
Add in soccer balls for Mouse (Attackers)

Players evenly spread out on opposite ends of each channel
One defender per channel (Blue)
Yellow players need a soccer ball
One Yellow player from each side dribbles out at the same time
Goal is to make it past the defender and across the channel without losing your ball
Play until you make it across, defender wins the ball, or ball out of bounds
Head down to opposite side and play again
Coaching Points:
Focus on players with the ball - decision making
Close control when defender has picked you to engage
Penetrate open space and get across quickly if defender turns back to you
Can you work with your teammate to help each other get across?
-try not to both dribble down the same side
Remove center line and create one grid
-More traffic and pressure to deal with
Reg - defneders are passive, not trying to win the ball just apply pressure
Reg - No soccer balls, pinni-tails

2 teams - 3 teams if neccessary
small sided game, 4v4 ideal
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