Learning outcomes:-develop ability to receive ball correctly with inside of the foot
-develop ability to enable touch while receiving for next action
-develop ability to receive properly in game setting

Organization: 20 by 30 area
8 players
1 ball per player
Instructions: players play game called "I can do this, can you"
coaches will perform move or skill and say " I can do this, can you"?
players will attempt move or skill and if completed, will say " I can do it too"
after that, coach will perform new move or skill
Coaching Points: head up
eyes on coach
correct technique
Progressions: P-increase difficulty of moves
R- decrease difficulty of moves

Organization: 20 by 30 area with three 5 by 5 squares
8 players( 1Tom and 7 Jerry's)
Instructions: players play Tom and Jerry
Tom tries to catch all the Jerry's before they can get into the mouse holes (squares in the area)
Jerry's are only safe from Tom in the mouse, but if another mouse comes into their mouse hole, then they must leave and find another one
If a player gets caught then they become another Tom and help catch the rest of the mouses until one Jerry is left
Coaching Points: head up
change speed/change direction
be creative in trying to get away
Visual Cues:-positioning of Tom(defender)
-awareness of open space
Progressions: P-Jerry cannot leave through the same direction that another mouse comes through
R- add more mouse holes

Organization: 20 by 30 area with three 5 by 5 squares
8 players ( 1 Tom, 7 Jerry's)
Instructions: players play Tom and Jerry
Tom tries to catch all the Jerry's before they can get into the mouse holes (squares in the area)
Jerry tries to pass the piece of cheese(soccer ball) into the other jerry in the mouse hole
That jerry then leaves the mouse hole with the cheese(soccer ball) and tries to do the same thing
Jerry's are only safe from Tom in the mouse, but if another mouse comes into their mouse hole, then they must leave and find another one
If a player gets caught then they become another Tom and help catch the rest of the mouses until one Jerry is left
Coaching Points: head up
open up hips to receive and enable next action
receive with the back foot
use correct surface
Visual Cues:-awareness of open space
-positioning of other Jerry's(players)
Progressions: P-start with more then 1 Tom
R- add more mouse holes

Organization: 20 by 30 area with 5 by 5 area
8 players
1 ball per team
Instructions: players work in pairs to try to pass through as many gates as possible
players are not allowed to go through same gate twice in a row
when time runs out, players have to run back to cave as quickly as possible
on the next game, players ahve to beat their previous score
Coaching Points: head up
receive with the correct surface
open up hips to enable next action
Visual Cues:-direction of ball
-direction in which you choose to play next
-awareness of open space
Progressions: P-decrease amount of time players have
R-add more gates

Organization: 40 by 40 area
8 players
1 ball ( additional on the outside)
Instructions: Teams attempt to score in one of their two designated goals
one team attempts to score in goals labled (A) and other team scores in goals labled(B)
if ball leaves the area, game is restarted by coach
play for a set time then rotate players
Coaching Points: controlled approach
appropriate turn
turn into space
head up
take away ball with nearest surface of foot nearest to ball
bend knees to accelerate away from pressure
Visual Cues:-positioning of defenders
-power/direction of the pass
-awareness of open space
Progressions: P- Add Gks
R-reduce numbers

Organization: 40 by 40 area
8 players
1 ball
Instructions: players play small side game
no corner kicks
if ball goes out of bounds, play is restarted by coach
if goal is scored, play is restarted by opposing team
no restrictions
Coaching Points: head up
accelerate away from pressure after turning
correct technique for turn being used
take ball away with nearest foot surface to ball