30x30 yard grid
3 pinnies
2 balls (extras on outside of grid
3 Players start off as defenders holding the a pinnie each in there hand.
Defenders must look to simply touch a ball or force a ball out of play via a bad pass/touch from an attacker, if they do this the attacker who lost possession takes the pinnie and becomes a defender and the previous defender becomes an attacker.
Attackers must help each other to keep possession of both soccer balls.
Coaching Points:
Awareness of space/pressure etc.
Try to play to back foot and turn to switch ball in other direction when receive it if possible
Quality/weight of passes.
Angles/distances of support
Constantly re-evaluate your position (can I be in a better position?)
Add more balls/defenders

Players work in groups of 4
4 Cones set up in a 'Y' formation, 10 yards apart each from the center cone
B checks away behind cone then checks back in front emulating trying to lose opponent to gain space.
A pass to B, B receives ball and turns to play pass to C then makes run to opposite free cone, C dribbles to start cone.
D steps up to start the rotation and will play pass to A.
Coach teaches 3 different receiving the ball techniques/scenarios.
2-player must use 1st touch to turn and take available forward space.
2-player must used 1st touch to protect ball/allow more time/space as option not presented immediately.
3-player must receive, turn and play forward as quickly as possible (counter attack?).
4 (maybe if time)- player must open up to play an option squarely behind them.
Coaching Points:
Eye Contact/connection with players.
Quality of check to receive ball.
Check shoulder when check to ball to gain visual information for yourself
Quality of 1st touch and pass
Add defender (semi-opposed)
Add combinations between players
Fully opposed (only if grasped concepts well enough)

Diamond grid set up using 4 cones per group
Groups of 6 players
2 balls per group but extras close by if ball is lost out of rotation
A passes to B then makes run to B's cone, at the same time C does the same with D.
When both A and Cmade run to next cone, players marked 1 join in the rotation.
All players keep rotating the same for x amount of time, or x amount of ball rotations.
Coaching Points:
Play to, and receive on, back foot when possible
Check shoulder before receive ball to see where next connection is.
Communication between players
Quality/weight of pass
Open/side on body position to receive
Be ready to receive ball (on toes)
Lock ankle for consistant 1st touch
Hop as receive to adjust feet into correct position
Take a player each from each group and turn them into a defender playing against the other group. Play with 1 ball per group, the defender must try to 'catch ball up' once rotation begins, the team who dont lose ball to defender 1st win a point for their group.

2x 20x30 yard grids
3 teams of pairs per grid
2v2 in middle, 2 target players on end lines
Players on inside of grid must look to pass into a target player, if they do, they score a point, must receive back off that target player and try to score another point using the oppositie target player.
Play 1st team to 10, winners stay inside grid and the target players then rotate in to start a new 2v2 game with them.
Coaching Points:
Can you receive on, and play to, players back foot when possible.
Try to receive on the half turn already having looked over your shoulder to assess your position.
Look to score immediately upon receiving ball, if cant then possess/combine with partner.
Quality/weight/accuracy of passess (to feet vs space)
Quality of 1st touch (can I set myself up for a positive next action - play forward?)
Movement off ball