Organization: 20x20yd Grid.
12 Players inside Grid, everyone with a ball
Instructions: Players to dribble in the area, dribbling with different surfaces of foot, perform different moves on coaches command, i.e scissors, stepovers, cruyff, touch and goes.
Coaching Points: Dribble with good speed. Keep head up to avoid collisions. Accellerate away from pressure. Keep ball close to body.
Progressions: Players to dribble with Messi touches(Small touches) around the area. When Coach claps, players perform Ronaldo touches(Big touches) to a cone on the outside of grid and dribble around the cone and come back to perfrom Messi touches in the area.

Organization: 20x20yd Grid, 12 Players inside Grid, everyone with a ball
Instructions: Players to dribble with Messi touches(Small touches) around the area. When Coach claps, players perform Ronaldo touches(Big touches) to a cone on the outside of grid and dribble around the cone and come back to perfrom Messi touches in the area.
Coaching Points: Dribble with good speed. Keep head up to avoid collisions. Accellerate away from pressure. Keep ball close to body.

Organization: 3-4 Grids, 10x20yds, 3 players per grid(2 attackers, 1 Defender), 1 ball per attacker
Instructions: Players start un-opposed. Have players dribble from line A to line B. Once Player from line A gets to B, the second player dribbles towards line A. Players to work on different touches(switch between Messi & Ronaldo touches)
Coaching Points: Controlled approach. Know when to use big, small touches. Change of speed

Organization: 3-4 Grids, 10x20yds, 3 players per grid(2 attackers, 1 Defender), 1 ball per attacker
Instructions: 1 attacker set on Line A, 1 on line B with defender in the middle. On GO attackers try and get to opposite line at the same time. Defender must stay between two middle cones, and decide which attacker to take the ball from.
Attacker gets point by getting to opposite line successfully, defender gets point by stopping attacker.
After 1 minute, players switch.
Coaching Points: Controlled approach. Know when to use big, small touches. Change of speed. Timing of move.

Organization: 30x30grid, players split evenly on the corner of the field in to two teams. All the balls start with the coach.
Instructions: On Coaches command, 1 player will start with a run around their own goal and enter the field of play. Coach will roll out a ball and the two begin to play a 1v1 game.
Coaching Points: Controlled approach. Know when to use big, small touches. Change of speed. Timing of move, change of speed and direction.
Progressions: Move from 1v1 to 2v2 and even 3v3. Move on to full field for full scrimmage.