Session Objective: Turning
Organisation: 1 plays to 2 who receives and turns past mannekin and plays to 3.2 then goes to back of line following pass.1 has already followed his pass to other side of mannekin and now receives pass off 3.
1 turns past mannakin and plays to 4 and follows pass.Sequence repeated.
Extension:1 plays to 2 who turns and plays to 3.1 takes place of 2 at mannekin.3 plays to 4 who receives and turns and plays to 5.
Key Factors: 1.shape to receive.First Touch.quality of turn.weight of pass.
4.Quality of Pass 5.Communication

Session Objective: Improve turning/changing direction
Two squaresArea 15 x 15 max.
Four reds on outside pass ball around square.Initially each player conditioned to two touches but progress quickly to one to increase demands on centre players..Purple players in middle have ball each and must try to intercept pass.As pass changes direction on outside,players in middle turn with ball to intercept.
Key factors:
Turning technique.
awareness and movement to intercept.
Quick change of direction.
Key Factors
Create space -movement in advance of ball,movement with ball,movement after playing ball.
Awareness of what is around
Quality of pass
Reaction when dispossessed
Maintain high tempo.

Session Objective:Turning in order to create opportunities to finish.
Half a pitch.server s in centre circle with balls.
6 v 6.Server plays ball to any player- options shown.
Players look to turn and create opportunities for self or combine with others.
Key Factors:
Create space before and after receiving ball.
Awareness-head up.
Quality of turn.
quality of finish.

Session Objective:
To turn to create opportunities
Two teams of 7arranged in three areas of pitch as shown.Players in Area A start with ball .
Key Factors:
Angle to receive and play forward.
Movement to create angle to receive ball/turn and create opportunity.
Quality of pass /turn
Quality of finish
Movement off bal by second striker.