1. 20x10 yard area
2. 6 players - 2 attackers, 2 defenders and 2 target players (set up as shown)
3. 1 ball
1. Teams plays 2v2 inside the area
2. The objective is to receive from one traget player and pass to the other
3. Target players have the option to pass to each other
4. If the defending team wins the ball they become the new attacking team
5. Play for a set time limit before rotating target players
Coaching Points:
1. Objective is to play forward so encourage target players to pass through when defenders are split
2. Players on the inside should focus on width and depth - one player check to the ball the other looks to stretch.
3. Body position when controlling the ball on the inside should be open - encourage players to check at angles to keep their body open.
4. Players on the outside need to focus on which foot to pass into - front foot if pressure is high, back foot if pressure is low.
1. Allow defending players to tackle outside players
2. Two touch limit on the outside
3. One touch limit on the inside

1. 40x40 yard area.
2. 12 players - 3 team of 4 players.
3. 1 ball
1. Teams play 4v4 inside the area with 4 target players positioned on the outside of the area.
2. The objective of the practice is recieve from one target player and play to the next.
3. If the defending team wins the ball they should look to pass out to target player to re-start.
4. Rotate target players after objectice ris reac or after a set time limit
5. Keep score
Coaching Points:
1. Players on the inside should check at angles so that their body position is side on to play forward quickly
2. Awareness - receiving player should check both shoulders before the ball arrive to assess options
3. Inside players should look to be positive and create space in order to play forward
4. Width and depth is important to create spaces as group
5. Target players on the outside need to be aware which foot to pass into – high pressure front foot, low pressure back foot
1. Two touch limit on the inside
2. Players on the inside can not pass backwards to target players only forward
3. Defender can press neutral player after receiving the ball.

1. 30x30 yard area
2. 12 players - 8 attackers and 4 defenders (set up as shown)
3. 1 ball
1. Six attacking players are positioned on the outside of the area and two in the center.
2. Four defenders attempt to win the ball, defenders can tackle players on the outside
3. If the defending team wins the ball they play 4v2 on the inside of the area
4. Objective for the attacking team is to combine using the central player
Coaching Points:
1. Shape from central players - one player should check to the ball the other looks to stretch
2. Passes should be made quickly on the outside to help unbalance defenders centrally
3. Players on the inside should look to combine quickly by playing first time
4. All players should focus on body shape and the quaility of their first touch
1. Inside players are not permitted to play back to the same outside player - forces them to open up and play in a new direction
2. Two touch limit on the outside
3. Reduce area size to 20x20

1. 40x40 yard area.
2. 13 players - 6 attackers and 6 defenders (set up as shown) 1 neutral.
3. 1 ball
4. 10x10 square in the middle.
1. Teams play 4v4 inside the area with two target players positioned on the outside of the area
2. One team plays North to South the other team plays East to West
3. The objective of the practice is recieve from one target player and play to the next, this action scores a point
4. If the defending team wins the ball they should look to pass out to their target player
5. a.Rotate target players after a set time limit.
b. Passer swicth with target player.
6. Keep score
Coaching Points:
1. Players on the inside should check at angles so that their body position is side on to play forward quickly
2. Awareness - receiving player should check both shoulders before the ball arrive to assess options
3. Inside players should look to be positive and create space in order to play forward
4. Width and depth is important to create spaces as group
5. Target players on the outside need to be aware which foot to pass into – high pressure front foot, low pressure back foot
1. Two touch limit on the inside
2. Players on the inside can not pass backwards to target players only forward

8v8 game
1-3-3-1 formation
80x60 field
Unrestricted game
Coaching Points:
Building up from defensive half
Patience vs penetration
Quality of passing and movement off ball