As players arrive:
+ Netball activities
+ Ball Mastery activities
FIFA 11+ warmup

Usual flying colors, but require shooter to touch post after shooting.
Coaching Points:
+ Take advantage of extra attacker with speed
+ Cue for forward run: person on ball can dribble forward
+ Cue for runs behind: person on ball can't dribble/pass forward

20x20 grid with 5x5 box in middle
2 teams of 2, plus 3 neutrals
Team of 2 combines with 3 neutrals to keep possession. Score goal by successfully getting ball through center square (either via CM or direct split to another player).
Coaching Points:
+ Defenders need to work together to deny central penetration.
+ Transition: Can you directly go through square (penetrate)? Or should you play simple and keep possession?

Final 1/3 of field
2 teams of 6 + 3 neutrals
Defensive team in 4-2
Attacking team in 2-1-3 (2 outside backs, 1 CM, 3 F)
Neutrals are GK, CM, CM

Gates setup in final third as shown.
Defensive team in 4-2 formation
Attacking team in 2-3 formation with 2 outside backs between gates
1 neutral Center Mid
Ball starts with GK (either goal kick or target player plays ball into keeper).
Defensive unit tries to score by passing to blue target through gates.
Attacking team tries to press to win ball and score on big goal. 1 outside back can join into play to create overloads.
Coaching Points:
+ Attacking team should press immediately after losing ball.
+ If player on ball has time (i.e. in GK hands), attacking team must defend goals first. Drop, get compact, then press.
+ On transition from Def->Attack: Can I play long/forward to relieve pressure? Can I play short and maximize space by moving?
+ Attacking team cues of when to go to goal versus when to possess: Numbers up, space in front. If not, play simple, get big and switch play.

Teams play: 3-1-3