Session Objective:To develop ball control
(1) In threes .One player A serves to B receiving first and C behind mannekin.A serves to B who volleys ball back,moves sideways and backwards behind mannekin.C moves in front of mannekin and process continues.Rotate server after a while.Vary requirements of player receiving ball:
Volley,two volleys same foot,two volleys weaker foot,volley each foot.chest and volley,chest,knee and volley,chest ,head and return, ,chest ,head and volley...list of combinations endless.
(2)Ball at each end. In threes but player B plays return to A and then spins to receive from C.Rotate players.List of variations endless as before.eEphasize quality of control rather thqan speed.
(3)Repeat but with ball on floor.various combinations.
(4) 4 players on outside,each with ball.Players move and play required aerial control to receive then play ball back and move to other player.As before,rotate players and vary contriol required.
Key Factors:

Session Objective: Circle Passing - Ideal as part of warm up.To improve passing and receiving.
Organisation: 12 v 3 (vary numbers according to number of players but 4:1ratio in favour of outside players).
Extensions: development into multiple passing routines.Examples shown but list is endless and allows coach to create.
Example 1).A passes to 1 who feeds 2 who sets 3 who brings ball out.A joins edge of circle.Can vary with pass from 1 to 2 or to 4 and then set back to 3.
Example 2).B passes to 5 who feeds 6 and then drops back two yards.6 feeds 7who passes to B who sets to 5 to bring ball back into circle.
Variations and combinations endless.
Can involve movement around players.Example 3).C plays ball to 8,and runs around 8 and 9.* plays ball to 9m and C collects to bring back into circle.
Key Factors:
1st Touch,
Half Touches, Use of Sole of foot, Disguise.
Type of pass.Weight of pass.
Movement to receive,Body shape,quality of pass. Awareness/Head up

Session Objective: To improve passing/taking ball on back foot
Organisation: Players to receive ball on back foot and play.Then receive other ball and play again.Continue then develop two players playing to each other off back foot .then build up to three and then four.
Key Factors: Body shape open touch awareness,quality of pass.

Session Objective: To improve passing and receiving.
Five players on each end of area.Five players in middle,two facing one way,three other way.(You vary numbers according to group size but need middle group to be starting with players facing each way).Rotate groups after three or four minutes depending on age.
Balls with players on outside.Development a)Ball played in to player A in middle who receives ,makes movement with ball and plays back to another player on same side who does not have ball.Then makes movement away towards middle of square, turns and then moves to receive ball of another player on same side.Then repeat,making movement with ball and plays back to player on same side who does not have ball.
Development b)Player in middleB receives ball but plays ball back to same player.Drops off and then comes to take ball again off same player and then makes movement away towards middle of square, turns and then plays ball to another player on same side.Then repeats, collecting ball off available player.
Key Factors:
Movement and shape to receive.Touch.Head up and awareness.Quality of pass.Head up to look for next ball.

Objective: to develop playing out from back.
Practice organisation
Pitch 60 by 40.
2 appropriate sized goals.Balls by side of goals.4 v 2 in each half.
Game starts by goalkeeper feeding .
Condition One.The team in possession must maintain possession and try to get one of wide player 1 or 2 able to run ball into opposite half.They then join in creating 3 v 4..When goal scored or ball lost,player 1 or 2 reverts back to defensive half.
Condition Two.Game starts by goalkeeper feeding .The team in possession must maintain possession and try to get one of central players 3 or 4 able to run ball into opposite half.They then join in creating 3 v 4..When goal scored or ball lost,player 3 or 4 reverts back to defensive half.
Key factors:
Create space to receive
Quality of pass
Open body shape to receive and pass/move forward
Quick passing
Quality of finish