Warm Up/Coordinance & Balance (30 min)
Juggling 1,000 touches (feet, thighs, head, etc.) (10 min)
Speed Ladder (10 min)
Ball Work-Shuttles (10 min)

Passing & Receiving (15 min)
2 players
2 cones (at a distance suitale to ability)
1 ball
Set Up A:
- Player 1 can only pass the ball through the cones
- Player 2 can only pass the ball outside of the cones
Set Up B:
- Players exchange passes through the 3 gates but cannot play through the same gate consecutively
Coaching Points:
- Keep ball moving with 1st touch
- Experiment with using inside/outside surface to control ball
- Consider body position when using different surfaces to control
- Prepare the ball in as fewer touches as possible
- Quality of pass
- 2 touch only
- Play pass with outside surface (encourage disguise)

4 v 4 w/4 neutrals (15 min)
Switch teams each 2 min. 1 point for 10 consecutive passes. Cannot defend neutrals.
Progression: Add defenders into grid.
Coaching Points: Offer angels of support. Play away from pressure & get the balls to the wide players. Postive/quick movement off the ball.

Switch Off Shooting (15 min)
Players dribble to the cones and set their ball, then switch off with the other player and strike their ball. Players to follow thier shots by sprinting to the green cone after each shot.
Variation 1: Coaches serve a second ball for each shooter to finish near the green cone as a follow up shot.
Coaching Points: Angle of approach, head down/over the ball, land on shooting foot

Expanded Small Sided Game (15 min)
6 v 6 ea 2 min or two goals switch, ball starts with keeper
Restrictions: 5 connected passes & one of the following (1-2 pass, short-short-long, wall pass, overlap, etc.) before shooting
Coaching Points: Movement off the ball, move the ball quickly, look for penetrating balls into the attacking 1/3, Immediate Pressure, Cover & Communicati
6 v 6 No Restrictions (15 min)