Defending Position 2

Defending Position 2
位置训练-后卫 U9
Warm Up

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2 Defenders in the middle, Attackers on the endline with a ball each. Attackers have to dribble to the other endline, while defenders are trying to kick ball away.

Coaching Points

-Pressure quickly

-Delay attackers forward progress

-Stand sideways to force attacker in one direction

Delaying Forward Progress

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Defender passes ball to blue attacker, defender then bends run and covers goal then closes space infornt of goal quickly.

Coaching Points

-Cover goal and pressure defender quickly

-Force attacker away from goal

-Be patient


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Coach plays in ball from the side, players play 1v1 with GK until ball leaves the field.

Coaching points

-Close space quickly

-Force attacker away from goal

-Dont Dive in

-Keep eyes on ball


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4v4 (3+GK)