-set of red cones 5 yards apart as shown
-1 blue cones
-Players perform defensive shuffle to each red cone
-Once arriving to the last red cone players will sprint around blue cone to the beginning of the line (to create 'stepping hard' to defender)
Coaching Points:
-Bend knees to keep low center of gravity
-Keep body in a sideways position with the front foot thinking
-Stay on the balls of the feet
-Open and close hips to change direction efficently
Introduce drop step - add drop step and sprint between cones (make sure to practice both sides)

-3 players to a group
-1 ball
-10x20 grid
-Player A passes to player B then closes down space
-Player B dribbles to the opposite end line executing moves allowing player A to shadow movement in a defensive positioning
-Once arriving to the end line Player B switches roles with player A
-Continuous rotation
Coaching Points
-Immediate pressure
-Bend run out to in forcing play to one side
-Decelerate as space is closed down
-Deny forward penetration
-Stay arms length away
-Approach defender sideways forcing to nearest touchline
-Front foot thinking
-Low center of gravity
-Stay on the balls of the feet
-Patience and concentration
-Providing support
-Fully Opposed - attacking player dribbles through the opposite end line to gain point
-Add extra defender to introduce supporting play. Come from behind attacker. Do 1 burpee to force pressure to delay attacker.

3/4/5 v 3/4/5
1 goal on each endline
1 point for dribbling through gate
2 points for scoring goal
Coaching Points:
- Get on your surfboard (don't be flat)
- Match speed of attacker going backwards
- Wait for a mistake

-Divide into 2 groups blue and red
-Place two goals near the corner of an end line (as shown)
-Set of balls
-Player A passes to player B then closes space down to prevent goal scoring opportunity
-Attacking team earns 2 points if they score before passing the blue cone, 1 point if they score past the blue cone
-First team to score 10 goals wins
-Rotate lines after 2 minutes
Coaching Points:
-Same as warm up
-Add an extra defender and attacker to introduce supporting play

-Same set up; 2 grids become 1 field
-Add two small goals on the endline
- 2v2 to goals
-First team to 10 goals win
Coaching Points:
-same as warm up and main