All players spread out through the grid as shown
Coach starts out as person who is "it"
Coach is the bad Plumber
All the players must avoid being tagged by the Plumber, otherwise they will turn into a toilet
If tagged, players must stick one arm out as their "toilet handle"
To be unfrozen, a teammate must Flush their handle (make the sound) and they are free to run again
Soccer balls can be included after a few rounds of warm up

All players without a soccer ball in the grid
Coach starts with a soccer ball, all the rest are placed in thesmall area off to the side
Players are Ghosts who have gotten loose and are terrorizing the town
Coach is a Ghostbuster with his soccer ball Blaster trying to capture them all
If coach is able to hit a Ghost with his Blaster below their knees, they become a Ghostbuster and run to grab a Blaster of their own
Play until their is only one Ghost left
Coaching Points:
Ghosts: Pick you head up to see where the Ghostbuster is
Jump, roll, dive, change speed/direction, etc to avoid getting shot with a Blaster
Ghostbusters: Keep your Blaster close
Dribble as near to Ghost as you can before shooting your Blaster
Fire only with the inside of your foot (NO TOE)
Players must do ball skills (toe touches, foundations, etc) to charge up their Blaster
Each Ghost can get hit twice before they become a Ghostbuster

Two goals on one side of the field
Players divided into teams, each behind one of the goals
All the balls placed in a grid at the far end
One at a time, Players race out from their goal towards the Bank to steal a soccer ball
Once they have got one, they must dribble back towards their Vault and pass it in before crossing the line of cones
Once the ball is into the Vault, the next person in line can go
Watch out for the Police (Coach) who can steal your ball and return it to the Bank
Team who collects the most balls wins
Coaching Points:
Close control with the ball to set up your shot pass
Head up to avoid Police and not cross the cone line
Strike through the ball with inside of the foot (No Toe)
Back up the Cone line to make the pass/shot further from goal
Add in more Police
R - No Police, no target line