Players in Pairs
One Ball
One Net/Line
- Players play soccer tennis
- Players get 3 touches maximum and 1 bounce (2 bounces for younger or less experienced).
- If the player takes the ball out of the air before any bounce, they are not allowed any bounce(s).
Coaching Points:
- Use of both feet and multiple surfaces
- Can they use other parts of their body to control and set up their play (head, chest, thigh, etc.)
- Weight of shot
- Footwork/movement to anticipate the shot

20x30 yard area
Players set up as illustrated
- Middle players check upon eye contact.
- One provides short angle of support, opposite player provides long angle of support.
- Passing sequence as shown.
- Work the same pattern end-to-end for certain period of time, then switch end players out with the middle players.
Coaching Points:
- Timing of run/movement
- Get in line with the ball
- Look to receive with the back foot to open up body shape
- Surface of foot selection to play and receive pass
- Directions of touch to enable next action
- Speed of play

Same organization as prior screen
- Passing sequence is "Up, Back, Through"
Coaching Points:
- Timing of run/movement
- Get in line with the ball
- Surface of foot selection to play and receive pass
- Directions of touch to enable next action
- Speed of play

20x30 yard area
6 players(2 attackers, 2 defenders, 2 targets)
Set up multiple fields as needed; add more players in the middle if needed
- Teams score by scoring playing into either of the end target players
- Once goal is scored, team tries to work the ball back to the other target player ("make it/take it")
- The target players must stay outside of the field of play and can only move side-to-side on the endline; they have 3 touch maximum to play back to team that played them the ball
- If the ball leaves the area then the targets start the game with a kick in to opposite team
Coaching Points:
- Timing of run/movement
- Get in line with the ball
- Look to receive with the back foot to open up body shape
- Surface of foot selection to play and receive pass
- Directions of touch to enable next action
- Speed of play
- Play to goals (target players to sidelines instead of endline)

5 v 5
(Larger numbers if scrimmaging opposing age group team)
- Players split up into 3-4 teams and play a round robin tournament where all teams play.
Coaching Points:
- 3 Lines of attack, Defender, Midfield, Striker (rotate players).
- Create as much space for player in possession.
- Try to create a triangle at all to give good angle of support.
- First thought is to go forward then if nothing is on, play back to start again.