Defending as a team-Zonal Defending III- Intermidiate

Defending as a team-Zonal Defending III- Intermidiate
战术训练-防守策略 U15
Screen 1

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Technical Warm Up (20min)

passing and moving in 2's, stretching (10min)

1v1's non-restricted/restricted, stretch (10min)

Cp's- sharp passing and receiving, constant movement, angle of approach, immediate pressure, jock and delay, stern tackles (attack top and bottom)

Screen 2

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Expanded Small sided Activity (20min)

2v2's into 4v4s

40x45yds grid divided into 4 channels

Cp's- Communicate, work together, pressure and cover, Defensive principles (pressure and cover, compactness, communication) pick how high you're going to press, Do not cross lines

Screen 3

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Expanded Small sided Activity (20min)

Same grid as before divided in 3rds. On posession the team in the middle must close down as fast as possible to win the ball.

Progression- Team must play the ball to the opposite 3rd to win and keep the ball

Cp's-Cp's- Communicate, work together, pressure and cover, Defensive principles (pressure and cover, compactness, communication) pick how high you're going to press, Do not cross lines

Screen 4

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Final Playing Activity (30min)

10 v 10 yellow 4-3-1-1 vs Blue 3-1-3-2

Teams must defend on a different press every time possession is lost.

Cp's- Coomunicate, when posession is lost find your mark, if beaten committ smart foul, defend on the proper side of the ball to avoid cautions.

Screen 5

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Fitness (30min)

20min fartlek, 5 sets of 50 row boats, 25 push ups, 10 squats