- 40 x 40
- 5 soccer balls
- Players on the outside of the Grid (White Players) Will be passing between each other
- Blue Players in the Grid will be passing and moving
- Red Players will be dribbling with the ball around the area (Working on any Skills Moves)
Coaching Points:
- Eye Contact
- Correct Technique/Accuracy of the Pass
- Timing of the Movement and Pass
- ( Players in red) Change of speed when performing Skills Moves.
- Rotation
- Players on the outside and inside has a limit of 2 touches
- Players in the middle with a ball must perform 2 moves on changing direction and recognize to dribble thru the lines of the team passing.
- Challegene on attacking in match pace (Speed)
- Can players on the outside make a pentrating pass across to Target without the ball intercepting

- 40 x 40
- 3 balls
- In Zone 1 Players (Red) will pass the ball. Once Completed 3 passes players must transfer to the next zone (2)
-White Players will Dribbling around and working on Skills Moves
Coaching Points:
- Eye Contact
- Correct Technique/Accuracy of the Pass
- Timing of the Movement and Pass (create passing lane)
- ( Players in red) Change of speed when performing Skills Moves
- Always swap postion do not stay in one spot. If so it will make the play predictable to defender
-Aim is attack the ball in speed to make play unpredictable
-Change Pattern Pass ( Be Creative and take risks on the passes)
- Every pass made - Player must run around the cone and get ready to transfer to the next zone
- Limit 2 touches
- Zone 3/4 : 2 players are only allowed to stay in one side (zone 3 ) and One player is allowed in zone 4 - Every pass made (player must follow thier pass) Always swap positons don't stay in one spot

-40 x 40
- 1 ball
- Players (white) : Objective is to keep possession of the ball
- Players (red) : Objective is only allowed to intercept the ball from players on the outside. When the ball is inside (reds are allowed to steal) when stolen it becomes a 3 v 1 in the middle including the nuetral player.
- Player (Blue) : Objective Nuetral player only supoort the team in possesion of the ball
Coaching Points:
- Eye Contact
- Correct Technique/Accuracy of the Pass
- Timing of the Movement and Pass
- Positive 1st touch
-Recieivng technique with the backfoot
- Rotation
-Limit of 3 touches
- 2 Touches
-Competition (white completes 10 scores 3 pts)
- Red Completes 5 passes receives 3pts

- 40 x 40
- 1 ball
- 2 Nuetral Players
- 3 v 3 + 2 + 2
- White Team Objective is to connect with Target to receive a point ( When White has the ball 2 nuetral players join the attack which converts 5 v 3)
-Red Team Objective is to shoot on goal once possesed the ball also Nuetral players join the attack ( 5 v 3)
Coaching Points:
- Eye Contact
- Correct Technique/Accuracy of the Pass
- Timing of the Movement and Pass
- Quick Pace in attack
-Recieivng Technique
- Rotation
- Limit 3 Touches
- Once White connects with both Target Players ( the team is allowed to shoot on goal)

- 4 v 4
- 2 Goalkeeper
- 2 Goals
- 4 v 4
Team in possesion of the ball must connect 5 passes before attacking to goal
Coaching Points:
- Patience
- Eye Contact
- Correct Technique/Accuracy of the Pass
- Timing of the Movements and pass