On Arrival:
Ball Mastery - Juggling, Boxes, Ball control, etc...
Each player has a ball to allow maximum touches
Players dribble around the area with the only pressure being that coming from the other player moving/dribbling around them. They'll be instructed to break into open space when it's available and this is also demonstrated by the coach.
Coaching Points:
Yellow Light or Messi touches:
- Pinky toe to dribble
- Small quick touches
- Head up, look for gaps
- Take touches big enough to allow 2 or 3 steps before meeting the ball again
- Keep head up for awareness of surroundings

1. 12 players
2. 4 players in central grid (5x5)
3. 8 players in outer grid (30x30)
1. Outer players start with the ball
2. Central players check to the ball, makes eye contact with outer player, who now plays the ball to them
3. Perform a receiving technique:
a. Receive Inside the further foot from the ball and pass it back to outer player
b. Receive Outside the closer foot then pass back with same foot to outer player
c. Receive Inside in such a way to allow the option of playing it back with opposite foot
Coaching Points:
1.Body positioned directly behind the ball
2. Inside: Open Door (foot sideways),Toes up (ankle locked),Cushion on contact
3. Outside: Toes down and in (ankle locked), Cushion on Contact
4. Ask for the pass when ready or after making eye contact

1. 30x30 area.
2. Players set up as shown
3. Balls set up as shown.
1. Pirates (players) are all battling to be the “Captain of the Ship”.
2. To do this they have to get from one end of the ship to the other without getting hit by a cannon ball.
3. The cannon balls are fired by the coach.
4. Coach yells “PIRATES, ARE YOU READY?” to which the players (bad pirates) respond “FIRE IN THE HOLE!” (This only happens when the first player is out)
5. Coach yells “PIRATES ARE YOU READY?’ players (good pirates) shout "AAARRRRRRRRG". Coach then yells “GO” and all the pirates run to the other end of the ship.
6. Any pirate that gets hit with a cannon ball then becomes a bad pirate and helps fire cannon balls
7. The last pirate left is the Captain
Coaching Points:
1. Keep your eye on the cannon balls and use different movements to avoid getting hit
2. Move quickly across the pirate ship
3. Keep your eye on the cannon ball when you hit it
4. Try to time the firing of the cannon ball so that the pirates run into it
5. Keep the firing of the cannon balls low to hit "good pirates" under the knee

4 equal numbered teams, number each player in each group. Place 3 balls on top of cones these will act as the goals. Balls with coach, Coach calls out number and plays ball into the middle, the corresponding numbered players race to get to the ball and try to knock a ball off the cone of one of the opposite teams. If a cone is knocked off the cone that team loses a life. If a team loses all their lives they can still play but they cannot win the MLS cup.
Coaching Points:
-Close Control, use different surfaces of foot when dribbling
-Head up to observe where the space is
-Accelerate away from defender
-Ability to execute moves
Replace the cones with goals

Free Play, small sided games while the coach looks on and congratulates those players executing what was taught in the session. This will encourage the other players to now practice these moves for the coach's approval.