Warm Up/Fitness (15 min)
Juggling 500 touches (5 min)
Passing Warm Up (5 min)
Square Passing (5 min)

5 Square Game (15 min)
Set Up: 4 min or 10 points. 5v5+2 w/GK @ each end. Score by receiving the ball inside of one of the squares and connecting to a teammate. Middle square counts as double.
Varation 1: Support players out wide instead of the end
Varation 2: 6v6
Varation 3: Restrict the number of touches or passes connected before scoring points
Coaching Points: Create Space, Supporting Play, Movement to Space, Overlaps/switching possitions, speed of play

1 v 1 Recover to Defend (15 min)
SET UP: The blue player attacking (A) starts in the gate. The blue player must pass to the yellow “defender” (D). The yellow defender passes into space on the right or left. Immediately the blue player runs to collect the ball and then attempts to score. The yellow player must run through the gate and then attempt to stop the blue player from scoring. Player rotation ea 3 min
Coaching Points: Attack with pace, run across the body of quicker defenders to slow or force foul, D takes an angle between ball & goal, not to the ball directly GK: Proper Angel Arc, A Player Steps-GK Steps into Set Possition, Stay on feet as long as possible/stay big

Glycolytic Power (20 min)
A) Fast Feet (5 min): Player stands on one side of pole or field line. Start on right foot, hop side to side over the pole or line as quickly as possible for 20 seconds. Switch to left foot, then both feet. Repeat all 3 times.
Coaching points: quickness, balance, focus
B) Quick changes of direction (5 min): Players sprint to touch yellow cone, turn & sprint to touch white cone, turn & sprint to touch yellow cone, turns & sprints to touch orange cone.
Coaching Points: quick movement, quick turns, focus
C) Suicides (10 min)

Expanded Small Sided Game (15 min)
6 v 6 ea 2 min or two goals switch, ball starts with keeper
Restrictions: 5 connected passes & one of the following (1-2 pass, short-short-long, wall pass, overlap, etc.) before shooting
Coaching Points: Movement off the ball, move the ball quickly, look for penetrating balls into the attacking 1/3, Immediate Pressure, Cover & Communication
6 v 6 No Restrictions (15 min)